I’ve never been a huge Amazon buyer–I simply prefer to buy from brick and mortar stores. However, all of that changed mid-March when everything closed down and we were all staying home. I went back through my recent orders since March picking and choosing items that I really love that I think y’all may love, too!

Amazon told me that I’ve bought this sunscreen 6 times LOL! I really love this stuff! My dermatologist recommended it to me many years ago, and I bought it twice from her and then realized it was much cheaper on Amazon. I have sensitive skin that is prone to breakouts and this sunscreen HAS NEVER made my face break out. I don’t use it under my make up since I buy foundation that has spf (I probably should though), but this is the sunscreen I wear when I don’t wear any make up. And it’s what Dustin wears on his face now when we go to the beach or pool ๐

I’ve talked about this stain remover before (and last time I did, y’all bought 35 of them!!!), but I just bought another bottle to use–just in time, too, because I used it the day after it arrived ha! I love that this can be used on new or old stains. For example, one time Dustin left chapstick in his pants and I washed them and dried them–and I had oil spots randomly on tshirts that I didn’t notice until folding. Thank goodness for this stain solution for getting things like that out. You can buy the brush they sell, but I just kind of rub it in with the fabric itself.

These are the best baby qtips! I actually didn’t know they even made baby qtips until Harrison was about 6ish months old because I just relied on his pediatrician to clean out his ears each time we visited. I feel terrible for admitting that, but that’s a first time mom moment ๐ Anyway, we’ve been using these ever since then and even Dustin feels confident enough to use them to clean out Harrison’s ears when he has to.

I’ve shared this before (and y’all have bought 20 of them so far!) but this mop is the best and I will never use anything else. I found it through @gocleanco on IG and also mop with her mopping solution she uses–only 1 tsp of Tide powder detergent with hot water. I literally mop my floors every few days now because I can do it so quickly haha!

I’ve bought a lot of baby items over the past few months, and these little baby utensils have been the best purchase! Harrison can hold on to them easily and I don’t have to worry about him accidentally swallowing it or anything like that because of the circular model. He’s also really enjoyed trying to feed himself using them. They’ve been a great teaching tool! This would be a great baby shower gift so the parents will have them on hand whenever they get ready to try them out.
I don’t have a picture of this sleep sack, but I got a few DMs on ig after posting a video of Harrison wearing it. I’ve loved it better than the Halo sleep sack, and since Harrison is a stomach sleeper, I actually zip it up on him with the zipper in the back so he’s not sleeping on top of a zipper. I’m ordering a second one now so I don’t have to wash this one so frequently. Harrison wears a large and he’ll be able to wear it for a long time.