Today I wanted to share a catch up on what we’ve been doing lately. I was gone last week to a training workshop Tuesday-Friday (literally 11 hour days….way too long), so before I get into my favorites tomorrow, I’d like to catch y’all up on what we’ve been doing lately!

This boy is on the move and loves playing with his brother’s toys. Harrison is a preeeeeettty good sharer so far, and I wonder how that will change as Banks gets older. Also notice the Christmas pajamas on Banks–I had bought the wrong size for Harrison when he was a baby, and Banks has already outgrown these ha!

Harrison was hard at work last week putting together a truck he got for Christmas last year. Dustin has had his tools out removing our old counters, sinks, and faucets (hence why everything on the kitchen counter is on the table), so Harrison has been using his tools on anything he can get his hands on. I went back to try and find his truck and link it, but it’s not available anymore. You can find a lot more here!!

My friend Hailey and I are teaching together again!!! This is from last Friday when we finished our workshop–we were glad to be done!

My sister and I went to workout together one evening last week and we got out of our car and had on the same outfit–even down to the pink shoes haha! My tank is old Walmart, but my shorts are here and run tts.

We had a great 4th of July with our family!

And don’t both boys look so thrilled to be taking yet another picture? I laughed so hard seeing their faces–they were having fun, I promise!

Sweet boy–he sometimes slows down long enough for me to take a picture of him ๐

And this sweet boy!! He loves eating and army crawling everywhere.

I shared this yesterday, but it’s so hot outside–make sure you’re staying hydrated! I drink about 3 of these a day so that’s about 120 oz.

Someone who will not be named wasn’t tired but then wanted to lay beside me on the couch. Then I heard snoring and saw that someone was, in fact, tired ๐

Banks is pretty indifferent about a bath. He’ll just sit there and let me bathe him without making a sound. He then smiles when I pick him up to lay him on the towel….also, check out his eyebrows! I’m obsessed!
That’s about it for the last two weeks! See y’all back here tomorrow!
Sweet Banks! His little personality is starting to show in pictures now! He is just darling. And girl, I cannot believe you drink 120 oz every day. I drink 120 oz the days before I donate blood and I just want to float away when I drink that much. Haha. I typically drink 80-90 oz on a regular day, but I just can’t seem to do much more than that.