Happy Friday, y’all!! I am home with a sick child this morning and praying the other child doesn’t catch whatever he has! Before I start sharing a few of my FAVORITES, I wanted to let you know that I’m going to be posting something very FUN tomorrow, so be sure to come back and see!!!

Last Saturday Dustin took Harrison to his very first Alabama football game! He had such a great time, and I loved getting all of the picture and video updates. Dustin and I are going tomorrow when Alabama plays Texas and then we’re taking Harrison back for the Tennessee game in October. I can’t wait for that game so I can show him all the places I had class and where I lived–the best memories ๐

We were out of school on Monday and Dustin had to go into work, so the boys and I laid low that day. We had a slow morning where they played together before we went to my mom’s for lunch.
Okay, that’s it for today! Short and sweet I know, but come back tomorrow for something FUN!!
I hope he feels better real soon!
Aw I hope he’s feeling better soon and no one else catches it!
Roll Tide!