Harrison is FOUR YEARS OLD today! Time is a thief, isn’t it?

Harrison is the smartest, funniest, most thoughtful, and most energetic little boy I know! He is so smart when it comes to geographical directions that we can go somewhere new once and he can get us there after that.

He loves trains (especially the train arms and lights) and playing with his wooden train tracks. He loves watching Spidey and PJ Masks and pretends that he’s a superhero.

He’s the best big brother and loves Banks so much. Whenever Banks is crying (and let’s face it, that’s anytime he’s not being held haha!), Harrison will console him and tell him everything is okay and that Momma is on her way. It’s the sweetest!

Harrison is the happiest little boy who loves big!

Harrison, you were the first to call me Momma and you will always be my baby!
The sweetest blessings you have!!
Happy birthday Harrison! Fascinating about his sense of direction. And that photo of H&B snuggling is everything ๐