Happy Monday! I hope y’all have had a great weekend. I was planning on having my normal Friday Faves post ready to go, but I woke up Thursday morning with the absolute crick in the back of my neck going down my spine. Everyone on IG stories told me to go to a chiropractor, so I have made and appointment! The earliest they can see me is Friday, so I’ll just suffer through the pain for a little while longer LOL
Today I’m sharing all about my FAVORITES with y’all!
Dustin got me Apple AirPods Pros a few years ago when they came out, and I just noticed this week that they are on MAJOR sale! If you’re in need of a new set of earbuds, I highly recommend these. I love that you can change out the tip to fit your ear, too, so it’s not really a one size fits all approach like most. They are also noise cancelling if that’s something you need!

I planted my first garden! I did not grow up with a garden, so this is a first for me. I’m literally hoping that something will survive and I’ll get to eat something out of my garden this summer. Harrison has also really loved the idea of the garden, so planting everything was really fun for him. We’ve been checking on our plants every day and I’ve been pointing out the different plants to him and explaining what they are.

One day last week when it was finally pretty and a decent temperature, Dustin got Harrison out in the backyard while I was at school to practice soccer. Harrison has so much energy and runs everywhere that I really feel like he’ll do great at soccer–the only obstacle is making him realize he can’t pick up the ball all the time haha!

Anyone else a fan of this show?! I started watching it when season 1 premiered and I’ve loved every season since. I was happily surprised when Jason and Chrishell announced their relationship, so I was eager to see it play out on this season. I wish they were still together, but maybe Jason will come to his senses and get back with her. I also think I want to read her memoir to learn a little more about her.
That’s it for me today! Have a great week and I’ll see you back either Wednesday or Friday ๐
I love peewee soccer; my son had lots of energy and loved running but didn’t care so much about where the ball was on the field! It’s a riot to watch them all running around. Best of luck with your garden!