…has been crazy!!! I finished up with my very first grad school finals on Sunday night, so I’ve got about a three week break before I start my summer term. I didn’t have time to do a Friday Favorites post last Friday because I was so busy with wrapping up grad school projects and papers. So I’ll do a Friday Favorites on Tuesday!

I got to help judge a food competition in Home Ec last week. This was the cute little set up they had for me when I got into the classroom, and the jam was a thank you for judging. So cute!

This mini apple pie won hands down. So, so good that I might have eaten the whole thing…

We baby sat for some friends last week. This was the sight I saw after I got done picking some toys up. Be still my heart!

Praise the Lord, it’s May! And I also drank healthy smoothies for breakfast for two weeks straight! I think that calls for celebration 🙂 And I did. I had whole grain blueberry muffins this past weekend as my celebration haha!

I saw this in Hobby Lobby this past weekend and immediately send Dustin a picture. It would look great as an entry way table! (Hint hint, Dustin)

Remember when I blogged about my Lilly for Target purchase? Well, it came in and this sad looking photo resulted. It was too snug, too short, and I was hiding the snugness in the chest area.

So now my mom is the proud owner! Doesn’t she look so cute?? She looks so much better in it than I did and I’m so glad that she loved it, too!
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