I feel like I started hearing the term “wellness” during quarantine. I’d come across blog posts that talked about maintaining your wellness during that time, and those posts always targeted not just physical health (which is what I always think of when I think of wellness) but also emotional and mental health.
I have really struggled with my weight ever since going through IVF. When I had lost so much weight after college, I had trained myself to have self control and self discipline–which we all know is SO instrumental in losing weight. I eased off during IVF because I was having to restrict myself in so many other ways that I felt like it would be fine to have that cookie dough blizzard, right?!
Well, long story short–I feel like I’ve lost my self control when it comes to food. A cookie tastes so much better than a carrot 🙂
So this year I’ve decided to fully focus on WELLNESS in all aspects. I know that if I ate better all the time then my mental health would be a little better, too…..less stress over regretting what I ate. I also wanted to share with y’all my wellness goals for the year! I’m sure they may change as the year goes on.

2021 Wellness Goals:
- track my food in my WW app – I’ve gotten terrible at that and can go days with only tracking one thing and consistency is key
- make better food choices and celebrate those – I need to remember that my whole day isn’t ruined if I ate terrible at one meal (or even two!). Celebrating the good food/meal choices that I make will make it much easier to continue making better choices
- no coffee in the afternoon – coffee in the afternoon makes it harder for me to go to sleep at night so I tend to stay up later resulting in less sleep
- exercise 2x a week during school and 4x a week when we are on a break – exercise is a stress reliever for me and I know it’s keeping my heart healthy. It’s hard to workout more than twice a week during the school year unless it’s after 8pm. My goal is 2x a week at minimum
- play outside with Harrison after school (when it isn’t freezing!) – Luckily for me, this one will be so doable because Harrison loves playing outside!
- be nicer to myself – I’m sure we all focus on what we don’t like about ourselves, but I want to get better at making sure I think kind thoughts about my body
If you have any wellness goals for this year, what are they? How do you keep yourself accountable?
Welllness is one of my new year’s resolutions, too! I am with you on making sure to get good sleep, as well as exercising. Part of it for me is getting outside and getting some fresh air – even if it’s just a walk around the block. I want to try meditating, too. I have heard it works wonders on stress! Now, if you figure out how to keep yourself accountable, let me know, because I don’t always do the best job at that. 🙂
Wellness is so important, especially the older we get! I think these are great and very attainable goals!
Wellness is so important, and I feel like this past year most people didn’t take care of themselves because we were all in a situation we’d never been in before. We all definitely need to give ourselves grace for 2020. I love all of your goals for 2021… it sounds like you are on a positive track!
I need to work on wellness in all of its aspects. I want and need to eat healthier because not only will it make me feel better about myself and feel better in general but it will also help my autoimmune disease.
I am getting better at taking care of my mental health. I was so scared for so long to reach out and ask for help from my doctor but finally realized that its okay to need help and important to ask for help. I also take more time for myself to have “me time”.
Emotionally I am still struggling. I am a Bama girl born and raised but have lived in Connecticut for the last 4 years. I haven’t seen my family and best friend in 2 years now. I had to cancel 2 trips home last year due to the pandemic. I cry weekly now. I’ve never just wanted to physically touch my father, grandparents, etc. in my life.
Love this post. Can’t wait to see what 2021 brings the Shaneyfelt’s!
exercise is key for me in feeling like I have energy and time for myself so I try to make it happen at least 4 times a week! I don’t track what I eat, but we try not to keep to many snacks around because after 8:00 PM is when I get very snacky LOL! Love your goals! xo, Biana
I drink Four Sigmatic mushroom coffee in the afternoon. It’s a game changer!!!
sigh . . . a cookie or for me tortilla chips not only tastes better than a carrot . . . its an easier “quick” grab for me
I think exercising 2x a week(minimum) during a work week & 4x a week on break is very realistic.
Good Idea, I have been trying to do the same.