I will be responding back to your comments on this post, so check back to read my response! I used to email, but not everyone’s email would work, so this is a way I can respond to everyone!
It’s July 1st, which means it’s my last month of summer before starting school on August 2nd! And Harrison’s last month of summer before he starts kindergarten–and he is so excited about it!
I haven’t done a weekend recap in a loooooong time, so while our weekend was very low key, it was major because Harrison had his tonsils and adenoids out on Friday!
Since Dustin had started his new job on Monday, he couldn’t take off to come with us to Harrison’s surgery, so my mom stayed with the babies and I took Harrison to the surgery center alone.
We don’t let our kids watch iPads or play with our phones, and we really try to limit their tv time. Harrison was really anxious about this surgery, so I told him he would get to take the iPad with him to watch movies or shows (we only let him watch the iPad when we’re traveling for vacation). He couldn’t hop in my car fast enough Friday morning to start watching a movie. He couldn’t eat or drink after midnight and they ended up not calling him back until 10 AM, so this kept him distracted for the most part from his hunger.
Waiting to be rolled back to surgery! He chose to take Snoopy with him back in the OR.
I don’t know if this is common for everyone, but after his surgery, we were required to stay an extra 3 hours in an extended recovery suite upstairs so he could receive IV fluids. They had me go upstairs to wait on him, and when I walked in, I took a picture because it was nicer and bigger than my postpartum recovery room. Then I walked in the bathroom and really wished my hospital bathroom and shower was as nice as his!
He was upset when they brought him to this room, so I laid in the bed with him while he ate 3 popsicles and 1 chocolate pudding before they let us leave at 2pm.
I HAD to swing through Starbucks on the way home and got myself a grande because it had been a very long day! He did really well the rest of the day, and I followed doctor’s orders by alternating meds every 4 hours.
Want to know the person who struggled the most with Harrison’s surgery?
Banks LOL. He woke up when I had to give Harrison his meds in the middle of the night and was crying so much that I had to take him out of the room they share. (He also did this Saturday night)
Snuggles in Momma and Daddy’s bed for someone who hasn’t wanted to sleep in his crib ๐
We laid low Saturday, and surprisingly, Harrison was feeling pretty good.
Someone never wanted to be away from me any on Saturday haha! Everyone got baths and went to bed…and then Banks came and joined Dustin and I around 10:30PM
Dustin took Banks to church with him Sunday morning, and Harrison, Merritt, and I stayed behind. Again, we just laid around and took it easy.
Once Dustin and Banks got home and I helped get everyone fed and down for a nap, I went outside to walk. Not only did I need to exercise, but I also needed the mental break. It just happened to be 93 degrees as I was walking so it was HOT! I really wish we had a treadmill in our garage with a huge fan (hint, hint Dustin) so I could get up super early and walk or walk during nap time.
I had to return some cashew milk yogurt to Kroger Dustin had bought on Saturday because they were all expired. Banks has a milk protein allergy that we treat as a dairy allergy because anything with a hint of dairy makes him sick and he breaks out with eczema. It’s like gold when we find the particular pouches of nondairy yogurt that he can eat, and sadly, Kroger sold expired ones on Saturday.
I got home and Dustin grilled chicken and pineapple and Banks spend the night with my mom so we could all sleep through the night–and so he could have some one-on-one time with her!
Merritt took a little nap and I was able to shower and dry my hair. This pillow has been amazing for her and she’s grown with it, and of course, I threw my favorite blanket on her to keep her warm.
I fed her and then mopped our house while Dustin played with her. Then she went down and Dustin and I literally spent an hour laughing to Family Feud clips on IG with Steve Harvey–we laughed so hard to some of them that we were crying haha! Then it was lights out and time to sleep!