This has been the longest week of my life! I’ve basically gone through 3 first days of school this week–half of the alphabet came on Monday, the other half came on Tuesday, and everyone came on Wednesday. I am beyond tired haha!
Today is going to be short and sweet because let’s be honest, I haven’t had any time to get on the internet, read blogs, or even really take any cute pictures of what’s going on in my life right now.
Oh, before I get started–I’ve had one item come in from the NSale and I plan on waiting to do a post until the others come in (they’ve already shipped as of Wednesday morning) so hopefully they will come in soon!

I miss days like this!! This was the day before I started back to school and Harrison and I spent a little time with my mom at her outdoor classroom.

Dustin sent me this picture of Harrison eating his breakfast while I was at school. Can you tell what his personality is like?! LOL! Moments like these are my FAVORITE!

Another FAVORITE is having a sister who is a photographer! She watched Harrison (since his little school isn’t open yet) and took a few pictures of him and edited them for me! His two FAVORITE things are in that photo–pacis and books!

My first day of school with my students. I was ready extra early (only happens at the beginning of school!), so I held Harrison while he drank his morning milk. He wasn’t too thrilled about a picture at 7am ha!
And I’m saving the best for last…
This book was supposed to come in on the 11th but I didn’t get it until yesterday. As I’m writing this Thursday night, I’m about to put the computer down and get started reading! I’ve had to avoid reading any articles or listening to any podcasts about this book because I don’t want anything spoiled–cannot wait to dig in!
I wondered if you had started reading that book yet? It Is in my shopping cart but I haven’t bought it yet. I hope you do a blog post on it. Sending you so many virtual hugs as I know it’s been a long week and missing your sweet boy, so enjoy the weekend with him and your hubby!
He is so cute!! Congrats on making it through the first week!
I have that book on my list as well. Be sure to let us know what you think once you’re done with it!
I sure will! Three chapters in and i am loving it!
That book is on my list too! Your sister is very talented; what a sweet picture.
You -made- it through the week.
Our district started tdy. Currently we are all on DL(distance learning).
Off topic: your make up looks so good.
If you have time I would totally be interested in a blog post on what products you are using & your routine/how you apply for just a regular work/school day.
Make up for a school professional . . . so many tutorials are glamor or seem “young” to me(I am not 21 and don’t need to look that way) or are not time friendly or appropriate for “every day” working in the schools.