Happy Happy September! Y’all–I have been counting down the days to what I feel like is the first official day of fall. While I know it’s still a few weeks away, this intense heat in north Alabama coupled with the earliest start of school in my entire life has me pretending that September 1st means it’s practically fall ha!
I know it’s been a while, but today I’m sharing all of my FAVORITES with y’all!

This big boy turned 7 months on the 24th and decided he’s going to pull himself up not only on his knees, but also into a standing position–I am not ready for that LOL! Once Dustin walked into Banks’s room to get him up one morning and saw this, he immediately lowered his crib :). He is just the happiest baby all the time and I love him so much

Harrison has been THRIVING at school this year. He only goes 2-3 days a week, and he loves every minute of it. It makes me so happy to know that he is so happy while I’m at school. I love listening to his recap of his day when I pick him up.

Ignore my the terrible lighting, but I love candy corn so much that when I saw these clothes for the boys, I knew I had to have them. I’m keeping them in matching clothes for as long as I can and will use any excuse to buy matching sets. I’ve been waiting until this weekend to dress the boys and I think I’m going to have them wear these to church on Sunday! **These are Trotter Street Kids and you can buy from any boutique that sells this brand!

I bought this play pen for Banks to keep him contained so I’m not having to watch him like a hawk. It’s nice to be able to go to the bathroom without wondering if Banks is chewing on the lamp cord–but really ๐
I accidentally broke my straw for my Stanley cup. I ordered replacement straws online and I actually like them much better than the original that came with it. I like that these are clear versus the opaque original. And they are cheap!
I hope y’all have a great weekend! I am thrilled that this is a three day weekend!
I found my 2nd and 3rd boys moved a lot more and faster and reached those milestones quicker than the first and I always assumed it was because they wanted to try and keep up with their big brother. Good idea getting that play pen!
Oh my goodness, those little candy corn outfits are just precious! I miss having teeny tiny kiddos to dress!