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Happy Friday, y’all! I hope y’all have had a wonderful week! I am soaking up as much of what’s left of summer as I can because once school starts back, I am going to miss being with my babies all day long. AND add in the fact that Harrison starts kindergarten–I am unwell LOL
As usual, today I’m sharing my FAVORITES!

This might be my #1 FAVORITE of the week! Merritt has HATED tummy time on the ground–which in turn, has made me really anxious about her neck strength, how far behind she’ll be developmentally, yada yada…. Then I found THIS AMAZING TOY that has been a life saver. As soon as I put Merritt on her belly in front of the toy and turned it on, she lifter her neck (and chest!!!) off the floor and I had no idea she could even do that because she never had before. I loathe flashy toys for little children and prefer traditional toys (like wooden blocks) so kids can use their imaginations, but I’ve given in on this toy simply because it gets her head and chest off the ground for a good bit. And now she’s already started rolling from front to back because of it. I put the toy up when we’re not using it for tummy time so it stays a special toy. I HIGHLY recommend this toy if you have a baby who hates tummy time!

I ended up purchasing a brand new academic planner for this school year. It came in not too long ago and I’m really excited to use it! It starts in August so I’ve already started filling in a few things. I tried the daily planner this year instead of the weekly and I will see after this school year how I like it. I feel like I will need the hourly break down more now that we’re doing sports with practices and games, book club meetings, board meetings, and church things.

Dustin grilled corn on the cob on Sunday and Banks was reaching for mine as I was eating it. I gave it to him expecting him to not like it–I was wrong! He loved it and ate so much of it!
Our local public library has a summer reading program each Thursday morning. Yesterday was an Olympic themed day! We had a friend go with us and Harrison saw a friend from his old preschool there!


Yesterday after the library, my mom, sister, my nephew Wiley, and my 3 kids loaded up and drove down to Cullman to shop around. We laughed about being a traveling caravan right now.

I’m Feeding Merritt and Banks…

hung out in the stroller next to me when we made a pit stop at a coffee shop for coffee and Merritt’s bottle.

Cullman has grown so much since I was a kid!
I just ordered this splash pad for the kids to play with out in the backyard. Harrison has outgrown the water table and these hot summer days are really making me wish we had a pool…..
Yay for finding a tummy time solution; all of my 3 boys hated it too. I used to prop them up a bit on the boppy and lay toys around near their hands and at least they stopped crying and fussing but I can’t say they enjoyed it.
It’s so strange how some babies love it and some hate it! My boys loved it but Merritt did not until that toy haha!
Oh I recognized this toy before clicking on the link! I buy a lot Sea Soothers for my work and they are favorite products in lots of the hospitals. Oh, I know you will miss being with the kids all day long when school starts. Enjoy the weekend!
It really is such a nice toy!! I love the music and how it’s just like you’re watching water. I bet they are great in hospitals! And yes, I am going to miss these days at home 😩
Look at all those adorable children! My daughter and I were just saying last evening how there is nothing cuter than a little person with an ear of corn. They go all in for it lol. I am a fan of the Simplified brand. Everything is so pretty. I have the little notebook in that pattern and I love it.
I totally agree!!! And this is my first time using a Simplified planner so I can’t wait to dig in!
These are the days! Enjoy the rest of summer and your little sweeties! I have my first professional development day on 8/5; I’m afraid to count the days left!
It’s coming quick!! Mine is on 8/2
Both of our kids haaaated tummy time. I would have loved to have something like that when they were little! I can’t believe Harrison is starting kindergarten. That is just crazy!!
I don’t even remember this toy when Harrison was a baby! And they all just grow so fast!