Happy Friday! Today’s FAVORITES post is super short because I am sooo tired!

First is our exciting (and really surprising) news that we got to share on Saturday! I think the shock has worn off more for me now and I’m getting more and more excited. We also now know the gender and will be sharing that on social media Sunday after we tell our immediate families!

This past Saturday Dustin and I drove down to my old home LOL, Tuscaloosa, for the Texas game. It ended up being the WORST game, but my favorites were walking around campus reminiscing and getting to see my old campus minister! When I was in college, I always preferred night games and that’s still the same except the drive back home is pretty terrible. We got in bed a little before 2 AM and then got up a few hours later for church.

This is a really fun FAVORITE!!! Dustin and Harrison surprised me with this Happy Everything platter this summer. I’ve always seen them with very bold prints and that’s just not my style. When I saw this subtle print this summer, I mentioned that I wanted it and they surprised me with it!! I recently added this fun fall attachment and I can’t wait to add more themed attachments throughout the year!
Look! I’ve not wanted to bombard you with questions, but you answered one of them in the first favorite thing. Lol I can’t tell you how many people have asked me if I had seen your post or did I know yet. So, many people are so excited for y’all. Which I know you know since they’re telling you, but they’re also sharing it with others and I think that’s so sweet.
Aw I love that! We are going to try to stop by the library Monday to return Harrison’s books so I can answer the rest of your questions then LOL