Happy, happy Friday!! We are home from school today due to some really severe weather headed our way this morning-lunch. I am hoping that these storms don’t become dangerous, but I’m also very thankful that I get to be at home. THEN we have snow or ice that’s supposed to be headed our way Monday and Tuesday–crazy!
I’m happy to be back sharing a few of my FAVORITES with y’all!!

I asked for this pillow spray for Christmas after seeing someone (I think Hillary Duff) post about it early December. It’s supposed to help you relax and regulate stress. Whether it really does that, it has been the nicest treat to spray on my pillow right before I go to bed. It smells so good and reminds me of the beginning of a massage when you have to inhale a scent breathing deeply–it smells just like that. I am so glad I asked for this and IT’S ON SALE right now! If you want to elevate your bedtime routine, I’d suggest this pillow spray. (It’s also a “clean” spray so no dangerous chemicals or scents.)

Harrison is such a great big brother! Banks was sitting with me on the end of the couch while Harrison was laying down, and Banks wanted to be near his brother. Harrison let him crawl all over him without getting upset or anything and Banks was laughing and having the best time being right on top of his brother. I probably say this every Friday, but their love for one another is my FAVORITE thing ever. I can’t wait to see these boys with Merritt now!

Speaking of Merritt, I’ll be 30 weeks pregnant tomorrow! This pregnancy has flown by and I’m sure part of it is because I have zero time to just sit and rest–which I’m starting to make concerted efforts to do now LOL

This was an episode I had saved to my podcast app that I decided to listen to yesterday morning while getting ready for school. IT WAS SO INFORMATIVE!! So many things that I already knew about how food affects us, but I also was very encouraged to do better in our home. If you have never thought about how the food you feed your children (or grandchildren) affects their behavior, listen to this episode. It could really change your home.

This is my last FAVORITE–We got home Sunday after having to buy a new washer (ughhh) and Harrison was asleep in his car seat. As soon as we walked in, he walked to the couch, covered up, and went right back to sleep. Banks kept walking over to him touching him and trying to hand him his paci, and Harrison never woke up–it was hilarious! He never even woke up when Dustin and a neighbor were moving the new washer into our laundry room.
They are just precious and growing so fast! I can hardly wait to meet miss Merrit! Those last 10 weeks can be hard so do your best to take a rest and put your feet up. We just had to buy a new washer last month too..boo….but I’ve been excited about washing clothes again haha.
It’s been hard to let go of some things but I’m starting to do that in order to relax more at night haha! And what did y’all buy? We ended up with a Speed Queen