Happy Monday! I’m currently writing this Monday afternoon at home with a sick child–not the way we want to end the school year…yuck! I am hoping to be back at school tomorrow. Until then, let me share a few snapshots from our weekend!

Not the best quality picture (you know, eyes closed and all ha), but Harrison got SO excited Saturday when we saw this stop sign up close at Publix. I had to snap a picture. We made the trip to Publix (I wish we had one closer to us!!) to grab some pre-made pizza dough in the bakery to test out Dustin’s Christmas present from last year–the pizza stone for his Big Green Egg. The pizza was EXCELLENT! You also need one of these paddles to maneuver your pizza.

I tried testing out the night setting on my phone camera after we put Harrison to bed, but looks like I still need to read up on it haha! We sat on the swing outside and relaxed a little before cleaning up everything outside and inside after Harrison went to bed. We’ve been working on an area in our backyard and I can’t wait to show y’all! We’re just waiting on mulch and then we’re done.

I have been enjoying the warm weather SO MUCH! I went on a long walk Sunday afternoon and then did 25 burpees on our back patio to finish up my workout. I wore my Rosemary Beach visor and wished we were able to go this summer! My biker shorts are my absolute favorite and they just came out with a shorter version that even has a pocket for your phone. And my tank is an old $5 one from Walmart!
Next week is my last week of school and then I’ve got a fun summer planned for us! Harrison starts swimming lessons and since we’re saving our money for our adoption, we’ll be taking a few day trips to places like the zoo and even maybe Nashville for the day.
Eek! Last week of school is so close!