One of my favorite blogs ever, Mix and Match Mama, did a post last week on things she does every day. I found it so interesting because I feel like the way someone structures his or her day says a lot about that person.
I am a person who THRIVES in routine and structure. Of course, becoming a mom has caused me to learn to go with the flow more than ever (and now so has pregnancy), but I also have certain non-negotiables that happen every single day regardless of what season of life I’m in.
Here’s what I do every day…
Do my quiet time

I used to do my quiet time at night, but I realized that I wasn’t devoting as much time as I should have to being in the Word because I was so tired at night. A couple of years ago I decided to swap to doing my quiet time first thing in the morning and it’s been the best swap. I get up and make my coffee. Then I slowly sip my coffee while I read my Bible and whatever theological book I am currently in the middle of. The one pictured above was on the 10 commandments (amazing book) and I highly recommend it! I also use these highlighters in my Bible.
Skincare routine

No matter what, I always wash my face twice a day and do my skincare routine. This was the cleansing balm I tried not too long ago and while it’s great if it’s your first time using a cleansing balm, I still prefer this brand and this is what I went back to after I ran out of the Farmacy. I’m also currently still using the above moisturizer and really do like it! Once I have this baby, I will go back to my retinol at night too.
Drink LOTS of water

I grew up drinking Kool-aid by the gallon and maybe it was when I got to high school, something inside me switched and I started drinking water constantly. Now I don’t think twice about it and am constantly drinking water. I’d say I drink close to 80-100 oz a day and that’s not me trying to hit that number, it’s just that I naturally crave water. This sounds so gross, but every OB appointment I have, I have to give a urine sample and place my sample in a window area in the bathroom. So gross, but each time I open the little door to place my cup, my pee is always the lightest color in the window and it’s because I love drinking water haha!
Shower every night
No matter what time it is, I’m taking a shower so I can sleep much better. In college, we’d get back to our apartment at 2 or 3am and I’d still hop in the shower so I could sleep better haha!
Kiss my boys all the time

Yep, I’m that kind of mom. I am going to kiss all over these boys every single day, so they never question if I love them or not. I am constantly kissing and hugging them and I love it!
Make my bed

When Dustin and I first got married, this was one of those things that I said, “Hey, making the bed every morning is super important to me” and so for the last almost 10 years, he’s done a really great job of making the bed on days that he’s off work and I have to go to work. Otherwise, I make it. There’s just something about a made bed the screams “Less cluttered!!” even if you have laundry piles everywhere else haha
Right now there are some things that I wish I had time for every day, but I know this season of life will come to an end and I’ll have time again–like exercising and reading a book for fun.
What are some things you do each and every day?