It has been a while since I’ve made some goals. I looked back to see if I did January goals, and I don’t think I’ve made any goals since November😁 Time to make some goals!
I’m getting a head start on my March goals because I am glad to see February go–actually, I’m glad to see January and February go. They are my least favorite months of the year and I’m ready for spring to get here. Lent begins tomorrow and then Easter (and warm weather) will be here before we know it!
March 2017 Goals
-Read 3 books (I’ve slacked on reading because I’ve found too many tv shows to watch, so tv will need to take the back burner)
-Do the She Reads Truth Lent study (this is my favorite Lent study to do)
-Go on a little getaway with Dustin during spring break (Any suggestions? Maybe something other than Nashville or Atlanta)
-Wash and clean out my car 🙈 (How embarrassing that I have to make that a goal haha!)
-Get ahead on a few blog posts
-Make a day trip back to my college hometown
What are some of your goals for March?
Linking up with Whitney
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