This is the most random thing in the entire world, but thanks for Facebook memories, a link to my old blog popped up and I clicked on it. I had forgotten what my old blog’s url was, so it was a treat to start rereading some old posts! I started my blog junior year of college and my last post was one month before I met Dustin. So I guess you could call me an OG blogger LOL!
Anyway, I found a post I did of the ABCs of me that apparently was very popular for people to post on their blog so tag me if you end up doing this!!!

A-Age: 34
B-Bed: King size Tempurpedic and I love it
C-Chore you hate: Cleaning our shower
D-Dogs: none…we’d love a dog once Harrison gets older
E-Essential start to your day: a cup of coffee while reading my Bible and sometimes listening to instrumental music
F-Favorite color: blue (because my eyes are blue and it makes them stand out when I wear blue clothes) and pink!
G-Gold or silver: I prefer rose gold or gold but my engagement ring is white gold and I do love it. I love mixing metals
H-height: 5’6.5″ but I like to just say 5:7″ haha
I-Instrument you play: I wish I could play an instrument! I’m jealous of any of y’all who can play an instrument
J-Job title: 7th grade English teacher but most importantly, I am a wife and mother and those are my favorite titles ๐
K-Kids: one little boy, Harrison, and we are in the process to adopt a 2nd baby. And 6 babies in Heaven that I can’t wait to meet one day
L-Live: small town in Alabama
M-Mom’s name: Barbara or Barb for short, and Harrison calls her Babs
N-Nicknames: Miss B, B, Super Sis, Sister
O-Overnight hospital stay: When I was 3, I contracted staph infection from an infected chicken pox so I had to stay in the hospital for a week. I have very vivid memories from that time in the hospital
P-Pet peeve: People who do not follow the rules. I’ve since learned that I’m a Type 1 Enneagram, so that one makes complete sense. I like order, routine, structure, and following the rules.
Q-Quote from a movie: “When you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.” from When Harry Met Sally (my most favorite movie in the entire world!)
R-Righty/Lefty: Righty
S-Siblings: Rachel and Stefanie and then a few siblings-in-law ๐
T-time you wake up: If Dustin is working, I’m up between 4:30 and 4:50 am. If not, I’m awake at 5:30…sometimes 5:15am. But lately, Harrison has been waking up BEFORE 5 AM, so I’m getting up early
U-Underwear: These at night and these daily
V-Veggies you dislike: I pretty much like all veggies except collards or turnip greens
W-What makes you run late: I run late almost always and I think it’s because I’m overly optimistic about the amount of things I can fit in before I have to leave
X-Xrays you’ve had: lots
Y-Yummy food you make: I really enjoy cooking and baking. Harrison would say his favorite thing I make is Taco Pasta and Dustin loves my buffalo chicken quesadillas. I love making desserts the most!
Z-Zoo animals: This was a strange question. I like seeing animals from Africa, so I loved Animal Kingdom in Disney (especially the safari) and I loved that part at the zoo in Birmingham. The elephants are always amazing to watch