This weekend was a ton of fun! The weather was absolutely gorgeous, and Dustin was off work, too!
Friday night started off exactly how I wanted it to–at home doing nothing! I had seen advertisements for Barbara Walters’s interview with Mary Kay LeTourneau (sp?), the teacher who had a child with her 6th grade student. They are married now–and have been for 10 years–with two teenage children. She’s 53 and he’s 31. The interview was weird and you could tell that there wasn’t any love between them. Yuck. I just remember when the national news was covering her affair and thinking how disgusting it was. And now that I’m teaching 12 year olds, I can’t even fathom what that woman did. The thought of it makes me want to throw up–they are children! Little kids! Yuck yuck yuck!
Saturday morning I went to a boot camp class at the stadium. It was a lot of fun and I’m looking forward to more! After the class I went to my friend Sarah’s house for a quick visit. It’s nice to be able to go for a quick visit to a friend’s house. Then Dustin and I went fishing. It was gorgeous outside and I even caught a fish!
Dustin caught one first though ๐
We had lots of company, too! Actually they just wanted to know what was in our tackle box ha!
Saturday night we went to Bridgestreet to eat at The Melting Pot! We got there about 2 hours before our reservation so that we could walk around and look for some flip flops for me. Side note: Friday at school I tripped UP the stairs and broke my favorite flip flops. I was so sad about my flip flops because they I bought them while I was in college at the Clarks store. Well, of course, they don’t make them anymore. I thought I had settled on Rainbows except that none of the stores had my size ๐
The Melting Pot was such an experience! I had been there before but Dust hadn’t. They came around and took pictures of everyone (not sure why?) and I found it on their FB page.
We were a little sunburned from spending all day outside.
Sunday we went to church, and we went to a birthday party at the lake for Dustin’s little cousin. Then we decided to go by our new house with Dustin’s family to walk around the inside with them since they hadn’t done that yet. Saturday the workers got a good bit bricked and the entire roof shingled (is that a verb?). I LOVE THE BRICK COLOR! While we were there, Janie and her husband Chris drove up–which was so funny because they now live an hour away and were in town to see Janie’s parents. So we showed them around, too. The last time Janie had seen it was after they poured the slab so it was a big difference!
This weekend was a blast! I am so thankful for the perfect weather and the time with my husband. We really cherish these weekends that we have together since he works two weekends a month.
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