Happy first Friday of summer, friends! I have thoroughly enjoyed this week, and today, I’m sharing a few FAVORITES with y’all!

This was Harrison’s second summer for swim lessons. Today he is finishing up his last lesson of 4 and he has done awesome! The maturity difference in him from last summer to this summer has made swim lessons a million times more enjoyable for me haha! Water makes me very. nervous and Harrison is incredibly fearless, so swim lessons are a must–especially with a teacher who has been teaching swim lessons for a very long time.
Dustin and I keep going back and forth over putting in a pool. Since this isn’t our forever home, right now we’re saying no pool in this house. We’d sell this house tomorrow if we found the perfect place to build again, but who knows–if we’re still here in three years, you may see us putting in a pool haha!
I talked about this on IG on Sunday, but we finally bought new bedding. After our water leak in December and having to redo carpet and paint, we (or really me) decided to redo our bedding since it had been many years of using the same bedding and it was just time. Then Banks’s birth surprised us and all of that was put on the back burner. Since every business was running big sales over Memorial Day weekend, I ended up getting 20% off of this bedding! I washed the sheets late last night and will get the bed put together today and update y’all on the quality. Yes, it’s pricey but I’d much rather invest in my sleep because good sleep is the most important foundation to a good day! (And trust me, I’m getting very little sleep these days since Banks still doesn’t sleep through the night….). Along with that starter bundle, I also ordered these shams and this insert after I read lots of reviews and everyone said it was the best insert they’ve ever used!

I finished this book last week and I’m going to give it a 4/5. I enjoyed the story but I felt like she could have given more. The ending did make me a little teary because it was sweet and what I wanted to happen. If this is your first Carley Fortune book, then you’d probably love it BUT I still don’t know how she will ever top Every Summer After–which is a book that I try to get everyone to read!

I stayed up way too late trying to finish this book (I didn’t, I’m 81% of the way through) because I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS STORYLINE AND HAVE TO KNOW THE ENDING. I looooove Emily Henry books and I am really REALLY loving this book! If you’re reading one book this summer, read this. It took me maybe 3 chapters to actually get interested in the story, but after that, I was hooked.

If you haven’t picked up on it, I really love summer. I love summer for so many reasons, and one of them is that our after supper routine can be a little more relaxed and not so structured because everyone has school the next morning. Now we’ve got the freedom to take after supper walks. Last night, Harrison wanted to ride his bicycle and so I put Banks in the stroller and…

He is the most handsome baby ever!!!!!
Have a great weekend, y’all!! See you back on Monday!!
Happy Place was the ONE book I wanted to take to the beach with me, but our library had zero copies available and a waiting list a mile long. I’m really wishing I’d just bought it!
Yes! Happy Place was so cute! Living on the lake we taught our kids to swim very early and it always made me so nervous being so close to open water. Thankfully most of my boys had a healthy fear at one point or another and by the time they were over it they usually knew how to swim pretty well.
I am late to the comments party but do want to say “Happy Summer” as well as congratulations on your mom’s retirement after 38 years of service to her community. That is -so- awesome and I know she has helped generations of students.
Enjoy every sweet blessed moment at home w/ your sons.
I tried to read Happy Place but I think I’m just over the whole chick lit story lines thing. Let’s see how long we can hate each other until we can no longer stand it and get together. It just seems like the same plot every time, with tiny changes. I’ve been trying hard to branch out and read books I might not normally pick up. I just finished The Mostly True Story of Tanner & Louise. It was really good and not predictable.