This past Saturday, my church held a ladies luncheon fundraiser for the youth mission trip this summer. Different ladies volunteered to host tables (which meant decorating them) and finding people to buy tickets from us to sit at our table. My friend Sarah and I had talked briefly about our table and had searched Pinterest to come up with decoration ideas. We knew we would use her fine china and that we wanted to go with pastel decorations.
Friday night we went to church to set up after everyone else had set up. Cut to the shock on our faces when we walked in and quickly learned that our table would be the simplest one there! I think every other table there could have been at a wedding reception because they were very decorated!

Our table was very simple! It ended up being nice when it came time to clean up though 🙂

I should have gone around and taken pictures of other tables, but I was running late getting our centerpiece to church. I wouldn’t be myself if I wasn’t running behind, right?! This is after we ate our yummy meal of ham, green beans, frozen cranberry salad, roll, and orange cake, and we’re listening to the speaker talk about her time as an international missionary.

Look at how gorgeous my mom is!! She helped cook some of the food we ate and even had the time to sit at our table!
Thanks to my friend Victoria for this dress!
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