Happy Monday, friends! I’m back with another pregnancy recap, and this time it’s the beginning of the 2nd trimester. If you missed my 1st trimester recap, you can click here and get caught up–especially of how I found out!
If you’re struggling in any way with the longing for motherhood and that journey isn’t looking like you had imagined, I’m praying for you. Something that I had to remind myself of often is that my joy isn’t found in pregnancy or a baby, but my joy (and hope!) is found only in Christ is His sufficiency.
Still just tired. I was halfway hoping that as soon as I hit the 2nd trimester, my energy would come back. I’d say my energy levels got better after week 14 was over, but I’m still tired. I’m sure that has a lot to do with being the mom to a 4 year old and 9 month old and not just pregnancy hormones :). I’m also having some lower back pain, but I also had lots of that prior to pregnancy because of my endometriosis. So I’m also not quite sure how much of the lower back pain is pregnancy and how much of it is because of the endometriosis in my lower back. Overall, I’ve been very fortunate with a relatively easy pregnancy.
Food cravings?
I don’t really think I’m having major food cravings. I’m still craving drinks that aren’t just water. I’m still making sure I’m drinking plenty of water, but I’m also drinking Ginger Ale or Sprite some during the week. I’m also back to my one cup of coffee each morning and am LOVING it!
Food aversions?
How are you sleeping?
Not the best. I’m having very weird and vivid dreams. I’m waking maybe every 2-3 hours-ish to go to the bathroom. And if I take a nap during the day (which is what I do on weekends), I don’t sleep the best that night. It’s like a catch 20/20 because I can’t function without the nap LOL
Body image?
Not the greatest, but I’m remember this is a season and I can work on losing weight after she’s born.
What is babyโs gender and name?
A girl! And we’re naming her Merritt Elizabeth Anne. Merritt is a name Dustin and I just liked and agreed on. Elizabeth is my middle name. Anne is my mom and sister’s middle name and I just added the “e” because theirs is spelled Ann. We’re giving Merritt two middle names because the boys have two middle names!
Due date?
March 2024!

Here we are at week 17!
That’s it so far! If there are any other questions I need to answer in my next recap, let me know!