Happy Thursday, friends! I am so glad that the weekend is almost here because it has been a week! Today I’ve got a Day in the Life to share! These are my favorite to read, and I really had fun taking pictures for this. I had originally planned to do a Day in the Life on Monday and then I majorly failed taking pictures. So I decided on a redo for Tuesday and did much, much better!
Here’s what an average Tuesday looks like during the school year (hint: LOTS of fun ๐) I should also mention that this day is an average day during deer season because Dustin was leaving after work to drive to his hunting club, so you won’t see him in any of these pictures. The end of the season is soon! #praisetheLord
My alarm went off at 5 but it was so cold in our bedroom and so warm under the covers that I didn’t get up until 20 minutes later. I have a problem hitting the snooze button every morning.
(My lock screen background is from the She Reads Truth Advent study, and I loved that Scripture so much that I can’t bring myself to change it!)
I start off every morning making my Spark drink. And yes, my fridge pours water on its own. It was the selling point for me!
I spend the next 30 minutes reading and commenting on blogs and watching the news. I love being able to have the fireplace on while I read.
It was almost 70 degrees Tuesday so I wore this Matilda Jane outfit with sandals. Summer weather in the winter makes it really hard for me to dress!
Then I finally arrived at school. I always leave my lesson plan out for the day along with any papers that need to be copied.
My breakfast that morning was yogurt and granola, so I started eating it during homeroom and didn’t get a chance to finish it until after 1st period was over. #teacherlife
During my planning period, I tried to get ahead in the book we’re currently reading and plan for the next few chapters. I also have sticky notes everywhere with random things!
I went to the gym after school and forgot my socks–gross!
I’m lucky enough that my partner teacher/real life friend and I get to work out together in the afternoons after school! She helps me with weight lifting and I was able to talk her into an outside run after for our cardio. Thankful for a friend to workout with!
I ran a million errands after the gym, and since Dustin wouldn’t be home for supper, I decided to grab Subway.
And instead of getting a sandwich, I got a veggie pizza. I could eat pizza all day every day. I also watched a little TV while eating. #whenthehusbandisaway
I worked on my blog post for yesterday.
I found a new pair of jeans I wanted.
I ended up winding down the night by catching up on Summer House while laying on our bed. I am LOVING this new show on Bravo!!! Anyone else watching it?
I took a screenshot as I turned out the lights….BUT I could not fall asleep! I was still awake at 11:30 and then woke up at 4:30 the next morning and couldn’t go back to sleep. All that to say, I hate sleeping by myself. I’m so glad D decided to come back early, so he was home last night!!
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