My church is hosting a Secret Church simulcast on April 24th. We’ve been advertising it for about two weeks now, and when I found out the number of people that had registered already, my mouth dropped. I was shocked. Why weren’t more people as excited about going to Secret Church as I was?
If you live in north Alabama or near a church offering the Secret Church simulcast, I think that it is SO important that you go! I’ve made a list of just a few reasons why I think it’s imperative that you make attending Secret Church a priority in your life.
For those of you who don’t know, Secret Church is an intense Bible study led by David Platt that will last 6 hours.
Have you ever thought about how lucky we are as Americans that we get to openly walk into church anytime during the week without the fear of being arrested or maybe even killed? Some people even “check in” at church and think nothing of it. It’s not like that all over the world. Some of our brothers and sisters in Christ have to meet secretly in house churches. And because they are meeting secretly, sometimes their meetings are sporadic so they last much longer than our churches in America. Attending Secret Church should raise your awareness of what it’s like to go to church “secretly” and worship for long periods of time as if you didn’t know the next time you would be able to meet.
Secret Church will feature a special prayer focus the night of the simulcast. Going along with my first reason, Secret Church will focus lots of prayers for an area of the world whose people experience persecution. Have you ever really just prayed for the persecuted? I know a lot of times I never think about those in other countries (and some here in ours) who are persecuted because of their faith and who aren’t allowed to worship freely. This is something that we all need to be more aware of so that we can pray for those who are persecuted. We can’t ignore situations in other countries just because we don’t see it or experience it!
I love listening to David Platt preach and reading his books. His sermons are full of Biblical truth and his love for the Lord is evident. When he pastored The Church at Brookhills, I used to download his sermons to listen to in my free time, and even now I’ll download archived sermons to listen to as well. I remember the first time I went to listen to his sermon I was in college and I saw that it was a little over an hour long. The first thought that ran through my head was, “Wow, this is going to be long!” After the sermon had ended, I wanted more. Listening to a pastor who kept the Scripture as the #1 focus of the sermon is like feeding food to someone who has been hungry for so long. It was like a breath of fresh air. I guarantee that his 6 hour Bible study will fly by the night of Secret Church because it is evident that David Platt loves the Word of God, knows the Word of God, and lives by the Word of God.
David Platt recently released a book called Counter Culture. In it Platt shows Christians that we don’t need to be vocal only about issues like orphan care and sex trafficking. As a Christian, how are you supposed to respond to a coworker who openly talks about her abortion? Platt shows us how to respond with compassion and truth. Secret Church will be tittled Christ, Culture, and A Call to Action. Platt will be guiding us through Scripture where we not only learn about Christ, but where he challenges us to live for Christ in a culture where it’s becoming increasingly politically incorrect to be a Christian.
Please visit my church’s website to learn more about Secret Church AND register! It’s free and open to everyone!
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