Day 10: 10 items off your bucket list. If you haven’t made one, now’s a good time to start!
I’ve never made a bucket list (and I don’t ever plan on it–I’m just not that type), but I do have a few things that I would want to do in my lifetime–some I already have ๐
Check! We just celebrated our one year anniversary July 26th!
This was right after he had been throwing candy corn for me to try catching in my mouth and I caught one!
2. Have babies!
We’re enjoying just the two of us right now, plus with teaching full time and being a full time grad student, there’s no way….no way
3. Run a half marathon
Check! I ran my first (and so far only) half three years ago. I want to run it again but it’s hard right now finding the time to train. And…grad school.
I just got done running 13.1 miles. I ran walked straight to the pizza.
4. Visit the UK.
I want to visit LOTS of literary places….Canterbury Cathedral, The Globe, etc. Might be a girls’ trip one day since I doubt Dustin would ever be interested in those things.
5. Write my own cookbook.
This is something I talk about a lot, and I hope to actually do it someday! Cooking and baking are such passions of mine.
6. Get my masters degree in library media.
I’ll be done in May! Woohoo! And then I have a life again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7. Visit New York City during Christmas.
Because I love Christmas and I know I would love NYC during Christmas.
8. Visit a Southern Living Idea House.
I love them every year, and I loved the one for this year.
9. Be a stay at home mom.
Can this be on my bucket list?? I would love to be able to stay home and raise my future children.
10. Learn this dance with my sister!
We talked about it a lot when the movie came out. It’s time we learned!
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