Happy COLD Tuesday, friends! It’s currently 11 degrees outside right now, but instead of a beautiful snow day….we’re dealing with ice…yuck. I told Dustin this reminded me of what happened to us almost a year ago with Banks when we were stuck in Dallas a few extra days because of their crazy ice storm.

Anyway, today I wanted to revisit my 2023 goals (which I actually did complete some!) and make new goals for this year.
2023 Goals
1. Finish BBG 1.0
I actually made it to week 10 out of 12 and then I got sick and had to take a couple of days off. I realized how much I did NOT enjoy BBG, so I decided not to go back and finish it once I was over my sickness. I sweat a ton when I do a heavy workout, which requires a hair washing, and I was tired of doing that 3x a week at least. I didn’t quit working out but just moved onto something different!
2. Swap to a clean deodorant and body lotion.
Shortly after this post, I reached out on social media about clean body lotion since that’s a topic I never hear people talk about. So many people recommended Beautycounter’s body lotion. They just so happen to be having a huge sale on their lotion, so I bought a bottle (I think it was on sale for $10 from $28). It came in the mail and was SO MUCH SMALLER THAN I EXPECTED. For a bottle that’s typically $28, it was insane. I ended up using the entire bottle and really really liked it, but I could not justify the price for lotion that I would be using frequently and a lot of.
As for deodorant, I kept putting it off and then just never tried one last year. I think the stories of detox and what that was like just kept me from pursuing it. I especially didn’t want to deal with it with a new baby, either.
3. Get rid of plastic food containers and move to all glass.
YES!!! I can happily say we did this in our home in 2023 and are very happy about it. I have heard on podcasts and read so much about the endocrine disruptors found in plastic containers. We threw all of our plastic away and bought multiple sets of the glass storage containers from Costco. We have enjoyed the glass so much better. The boys even take their breakfast and lunch leftovers in the glass containers and we’ve never had a complaint.
4. Eat gluten free more often.
LOLOLOLOL. This one makes me laugh because I started cutting out gluten as soon as school was out last May, but I would still have one thing a day that had gluten in it. I totally cut it out mid-June after having a cycle that I felt like about killed me, and well, we all know how that ended. Because of that, I’m a huge advocate for the harmful affects food can have on your body….but also the positive affects! Gluten is extremely inflammatory (I just listened to another podcast on it that I’m going to share on Friday), and there are so many health issues you may have that going gluten free might clear up.
5. Mail 3 notes a month
I did this for January, but then we left for Dallas to meet Banks and bring him home and I just ran out of steam. A new baby will do that to you ๐
Okay, now onto my very realistic 2024 goals….
2024 Goals
1. Have a baby.
Merritt is due in March, and so my goal is to literally just have a baby. While I prefer a vaginal birth, I will do whatever it takes to get her here safely. Dustin and I have laughed this entire pregnancy that we know what to do once we have a newborn, but it’s the whole getting to that newborn part that we’re clueless on LOL since we’ve never done that part before!
2. Work out again.
I cannot wait to do some sort of physical activity again. I know I could be working out right now, but the fatigue is real….especially now that I’m also taking iron because I’m anemic. Where I would usually head to the gym after Dustin gets home from work, now I’m struggling to keep my eyes open. I’m giving myself lots of grace right now and will resume working out when I can.
3. Find a natural deodorant to start using.
I’m keeping this on here because I really do what to make the swap, so maybe this summer I can finally do that. I know I want to try Primally Pure first before I try anything else.
4. Read 15 books this year.
I started actually keeping up with my Goodreads account last January when I saw everyone start posting their 2022 year in review with reading. I set my goal low (12 books) because we were in the adoption process and I was very hopeful we would be adopting a baby in 2023. I didn’t realize I would read more books at home on my maternity leave with Banks than I did the rest of the year haha!!! So I’ve upped it this year to 15 in hopes that I can exceed that like I did last year’s goal! I’m already done with 1 book….just 14 more to go!
5. Try making sourdough bread.
This one I’m not holding myself to, but it’s something I really want to try out maybe this summer when I have a little more flexibility in my schedule. I know people started making sourdough in 2020 when everyone was forced home from the pandemic, but I’ve read how homemade sourdough is better for people with gluten intolerances because of the way it’s made? Anyway, there’s even a particular flour I want to order and try it with simply because it’s so much lower in gluten.
Okay, I think that’s it! I’m keeping this year easy and realistic and even making that last goal a maybe :). If you make goals for yourself for the year, I’d like to hear what those are!
We have 6 inches of snow here in Memphis. It is so pretty! I just started making sourdough the week after Christmas, so I am getting started with it. Now I just have to limit how much I eat! This post reminds me I need to make the transition to glass containers. Maybe that can be a goal of mine for 2024. Enjoy the time at home!
I like the idea of all glass containers!!!
Check out Food Nanny! I’m GF and tried her Kamut flour and can tolerate it wonderfully.
Yes!!! Thatโs the flour I want to order!!
That first goal, though! I’m still so dang excited for y’all! I need to switch to glass storage containers, too. And if you find a clean deodorant that you like, please share! I’ve tried Native and something else that I can’t remember, and they didn’t work for me. :o(
Seriously, check into Primally Pure!! I have heard great things!!!!
We swapped out all the plastic for glass in 2022. It’s so freeing to get rid of the mismatched tupperware!
Sitting in a chair to feed a baby for half the day, you go through a lot of books! I literally just kept my kindle on the rocker in the nursery. I read so much when I had a <6 month old!
Yes!! Lots and lots of reading when you have a newborn who sleeps a lot!!!
I want to switch to all glass containers but I am hesitant with my kids. Sourdough is a lot easy than you would think. I love actsofsourdough on Instagram. I use the organic flour from Costco