Happy last Friday before Christmas! I am so very thankful that I have been out of school all week. I’ve really enjoyed soaking up the week leading up to Christmas with my boys and doing a few more family Christmas activities. Now, have I wrapped a single present? Nope! But it’s on my list to do tonight after the boys go to bed–if I can stay awake long enough ha!
Today I’m sharing a few FAVORITES with y’all!

Sunday evening we had our small group’s Christmas party–which was a major FAVORITE! My friend Emily hosted it in her new home and she went all out. We had cocktail hour (she so kindly made a wonderful mocktail for me to enjoy!) with hor d’oeuvres, a wonderful supper, desserts that we didn’t even eat because we were so full from all of the other food and drinks, and games with prizes. I’m so blessed to be part of a small group that enjoys one another! We have two couples who are older who are ours leaders/mentors and we LOVE being around them–they are so fun! We were talking about how many babies we’ve added since we’ve been a group for two years, and we’ve added 4 with 1 more on the way! We have 14 kids age 7 and under with 1 more due in a few months.


I have always been a drugstore mascara girl. I’ve used L’Oreal mascara forever. When I went to Sephora in October, I got to choose between some hair care or an Ilia color stick/mascara combo. I went with the Ilia because I’ve used the color stick as a cream blush and now all I use is cream blush. I didn’t use the mascara because I never do. About two weeks ago, I decided on a whim to try the mascara and WOW! It really is so much better than the drugstore stuff AND best of all, it’s a clean mascara!!! I’m amazed at how good my lashes looked after a full day at school when they typically look terrible.

I know I have raved before about our local library, but I’m going to do it again! This past Monday was Polar Express Day at the library. We showed up in our Christmas jammies, listened to Miss Sarah read The Polar Express, and then got in line to get our picture with Santa–who then gave the boys their own sleigh bell! This was Banks’s first time seeing Santa and he did good! After, Harrison was able to get a Christmas cookie and we hung out with some friends before it was time to leave. If you don’t visit your local library, then you should! We love our local librarians–they are so sweet to the boys and are always so good with giving me book suggestions or ordering books that I want to read but they don’t have.

Wow, terrible picture of me but cutest of my boys! This week we went to the Trash Panda stadium to drive through the lights and then walk around the field. We’ve never done this before so we were really excited. Right before we drove through, we got the boys out of their carseats so they could see the lights better and Banks was actually really into the lights. We had a great time!
Here’s what we’ve done a lot of this week when Daddy’s been at work…

Banks LOVES his puppy dog. He will just give it the biggest hug when he’s with it. Sometimes he can say ruff ruff, but it sounds more like “ruh ruh”….so cute!

Harrison hangs out on the couch in the morning watching a Christmas show. Ever since he started drinking whole milk, he’s called it coffee. So literally every morning he gets his “coffee” to drink while we drink ours haha
That’s it for this week of FAVORITES!! I hope y’all have a wonderful Christmas and see y’all back here next week!
I hope you feel better soon! The group picture of the kids with Harrison putting his arms around the kids next to him is adorable! We went to our Publix library often when our boys were young. I hope your winter break is relaxing and healthy! Our break started tonight, and I’m so so happy! Happy holidays!