This post is a little late since we’ve already announced on Facebook and IG, but this blog serves as a scrapbook for me and I need to update it with our happy news!
I am thrilled to be able to type this happy news–WE ARE ADOPTING AGAIN!!!!!!! Being Harrison’s mother has been the greatest joy in my life. I have always dreamed of being a mother and having children. When we went through IVF, I remember our doctor asking us how many children we wanted to have and we both said 3! I think siblings are such a gift to one another and we are both so excited for Harrison to become a big brother. We both feel that adoption is how the Lord wants us to grow our family, and while I never pictured this as a little girl when I dreamed about being a mother, I could never picture it differently now. Adoption is a beautiful picture of the Gospel and our family is a picture of Heaven. (If you want to read about our journey to Harrison, click here)

I will occasionally being posting updates on our progress like I did last time. We are currently working on our home study and I am about to get started on our profile book. A profile book is required by the agency and they use it to show prospective birth moms about your family. I am using the same girl who made ours last time and she did a wonderful job–it was so beautiful!!

Just like last time, adoption is incredibly expensive. And let me be real with you for a moment– I honestly wish that it weren’t that way–that after we jump through all the hoops that a home study requires (fingerprinting, background checks, drug tests, deep dives into financials, references, etc), adoption was more affordable for people who just want to be parents. And because we both desire deeply to have a second baby, adoption is our pathway to building our family. Sometimes I do get a little sad that Dustin and I can’t just say we’re going to have a baby and then end up pregnant, but my body won’t allow it. However, I would never for once trade the pain and suffering I endured to become Harrison’s mother, for he is my greatest joy 🙂 He is (and was!) so wanted by me (and his Daddy) that I would never wish for my pathway to motherhood to look any different. That was a tangent I didn’t plan on, but my blog is my heart 🙂
How to Help Us!
There are two ways you can help us become parents:
- Pray for us in that we are obedient to the Lord. Pray for the woman who will choose us to parent her baby–pray that we are able to share the Gospel with her, and that she can see Christ in us. Pray for her heart, her health, and the baby’s health that he or she is growing on schedule and getting medical care.
- You can also give to us financially to help us fund our adoption.
PayPal: If you would like to give to our adoption account using PayPal, after you choose the “Send Money” option, enter in this email address: (or @DustinShaneyfelt) and click Next. Make sure you choose the “Friends and Family” option on the following page so there aren’t any fees associated with your donation.
Venmo: If you would like to give to our adoption account on Venmo, send to @DustinShaneyfelt or (Both of these are set up to our adoption account)
If you don’t use either of those, you can always mail it to us and email me for our address!
So excited to watch this journey!
What happy and exciting news!! I pray you are blessed with another incredible baby!!
–Thank you– for sharing this news. I am praying for the family God has planned for the Shaneyfelts.