Hey friends! First, I wanted to thank you SO much for your sweet comments on my post about Banks! It was a surprise for us, but we kept it silent those few days before just in case we were to experience a failed match again. These two weeks with Banks have been incredibly sweet and I’m learning that no two babies are the same! What worked with Harrison hasn’t worked with Banks, so it’s been a little adjustment learning that ๐
Today I wanted to do a check in on my 2023 Goals and I’m actually pretty proud of myself so far! Statistics show that most people have already quit on their New Year Resolutions, but I’m doing pretty good on mine!

2023 Goals Check In
1. Finish BBG 1.0
I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF ON THIS GOAL!!! I haven’t finished, but I am keeping up with it steadily! Week 5 workouts was the same week Banks was born, so my friend Hailey and I paused that week because there was no way I was going to be able to do the workouts while staying in a hospital and then hotel room with a newborn. We picked back up with Week 5 last week and are currently on Week 6. I’m not going to lie–having Hailey as an accountability partner is really my #1 motivator right now in getting these workouts done. Do I feel better after? Yes, but it’s the motivation to get to the workout that’s been the hardest. But I’ve kept up with it and am so proud of myself! My plan right now is to complete another round of BBG 1.0 when I finish this one to see how strong I’ve gotten.
2. Swap to a clean deodorant.
Not there yet, but I think I may try Primally Pure when I do.
3. Swap to a clean lotion.
I put this out on IG asking for recs because I feel like no one talks about clean lotions. Lots of talk about clean beauty and deodorant, but never any about lotion. However, I got a ton of lotion recs and I ended up ordering this lotion because it was on sale. So far, I really like it! It’s not sticky like the Honest Co lotion I had tried before. The only downside is the price, and there’s no way I can justify spending that much on lotion when the bottle isn’t that large.
4. Get rid of plastic containers and swap to glass.
We are halfway there! We went to Costco in early January and bought one box of glass containers, so I threw out about half of my plastic. Next time we go back, we will buy another box and I’ll throw out the other half of the plastic.
5. Eat more gluten free foods.
Not even touching this one yet. I had planned on starting to move more gf toward the end of January, but then Banks was born and we lived in a hotel for 2 weeks so that was totally unrealistic. Now we are completely blessed with meals being provided for us for the entire month of February, so I’m not even worrying about it until at least March.
6. Mail 3 note cards a month.
Yes! I mailed my 3 cards in January and am keeping a list on my phone of who I am mailing them to so I don’t accidentally double send. I hope this encourages other people to send cards to one another!
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