Yesterday Mallory Ervin posted on IG this picture with a long caption explaining how influencers/bloggers and their followers are equal. Apparently she heard stories from NYFW with some influencers who were acting too good for their followers or other smaller bloggers.
And this got me thinking…
I’ve never once felt like I was too good for those who follow my blog and instagram BUT I have compared myself to other bloggers and felt like they were better than me.
Comparison is a slippery trap that’s easy to fall in to. Instagram and blogging are worlds that are easy to feel like you don’t have enough or that you should look a certain way. Does anyone struggle with this at times?
I love blogging so much. I love the bloggers I’ve connected with and the friendships I’ve made over the Internet. I love reading other blogs and finding inspiration–and that’s what this whole community should be about–inspiring one another to be a better version of ourselves instead of making it seem like one life is the better life to have.
I hope this post makes sense (I know I’m just rambling), but I really though a lot after reading Mallory’s post. It’s so sad to know that some women in this industry aren’t supportive of other women and it’s rooted in comparison. I love the image above–we are equal. Just because one person follows another doesn’t mean one person is better than the other.
I hope that those of you who leave my blog and instagram never feel like your life isn’t as good as mine or something to that effect. Instead, I hope you leave here with new ideas, new inspiration, or just feeling happy!
I’m so thankful for those reading my blog. I love this creative outlet and it makes it worthwhile knowing people enjoy reading what you create!
Your heart shines through on your blog sweet friend and you make this a welcome space. I quickly unfollow bloggers who never ever engage or follow back. You may have heard me mention we have a local blogger who quit her job and has a staff of 6 and got asked to have a Nordstrom clothing line. I followed her for years, asked advice when starting my blog but she simply never engages or returns emails. I assume her staff does it now but it breaks my heart, I lOVE all my readers so much, they are my friends but I refuse to fall into that horrible ego elevation. I still am not on Insta and FB and have been told don't do it by some and do it by others to grow the blog but I take it personal when others don't return my love, lol!! There truly are a lot of bloggers like that unfortunately! You are not one of them…YOU ROCK!! xo
I always look forward to your blog posts and leave your site uplifted! The comparison game drives me crazy and I also hate how competitive / sales focused the social media and blogging world has become.
The comparison game is so dangerous! I compare myself on engagement, following, growth, etc way too much sometimes and have been trying to forget about that and just enjoy blogging. The connection with readers is the most important and I enjoy that part so much!
I love mallory and how real she keeps everything!! She's definitely someone that I like to follow and respect! xo, Biana –BlovedBoston
I think these are such normal feelings now. It's good to be aware of those thoughts to try and nip them in the bud early on. I've gotten much better about this with time. Great post!
I do the same thing with the bigger bloggers & instagrammers. It's hard not to compare yourself to them sometimes! You are definitely a sweetheart though & I feel like your content is always so real & easy to relate to.
About a month ago, I went through my IG and unfollowed 600 people in one day. Anyone who annoyed me, made me feel jealous, or wasn't someone who's profile wither encouraged, inspired, or entertained me was GONE. I like following your stories on IG because you are real and don't take yourself too seriously! Instagram has been a much happier, enjoyable place for me ever since!
I saw this on Mallory's insta too – just one of the reasons I love to follow her!
The comparison game is SO REAL! I often catch myself falling into it, because the internet makes it incredibly easy. It's easier said than done, but just putting my head down and focusing on MY OWN WORK makes it so easy to see all the good happening in my own space.
I constantly found myself falling into the comparison trap last year, especially with IG, but I finally dropped all of that and have just been doing my own thing. It's really easy to feel "less than" in this business but I refuse to let it get the best of me! You know I love you and your blog – you just keep doing you!
Comparison is the thief of joy – definitely! Thank you for being a positive and uplifting blogger. 🙂
YES to everything you wrote! (Hi, I'm Katie – long time reader, first time commenter) I'm a newer blogger and it's so easy to feel like I need to do all the things to keep up. I agree with Lindsay – doing my own thing has brought me a lot of freedom and joy!
I remember in the beginning thinking of such a comparison thing and trying to catch up, etc. Now I just do whatever, whatever I can and only if I enjoy it!
Sarah I saw your repost of Mallory’s photo and went and watched her story and I loved it so much also! You are the reason I started following her and you are one of the few bloggers who made me want to start blogging. You make it see so effortless and easy. I love how open you are with all of your readers and how responsive you are. Thanks for being an amazing example.