Happy Friday! The countdown has officially gotten smaller and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel–ONE MORE WEEK, Y’ALL!!! One more week of school and then I get to set my own schedule for a few weeks!
This has been a crazy, busy week. It started off with Harrison throwing up all over his room Sunday night….stomach virus-1 us-0.

Poor buddy is never still, so the fact that we laid around on the couch for two days says a lot.

He ended up starting to feel better Tuesday at lunchtime, so we went out back and watched the construction equipment and airplanes. And he had to take his camera and take pictures. (And ignore our back patio–we sold our patio furniture last summer because I hated it and haven’t found any that we feel is what we want to pay right now)

Wednesday night we headed to the newest amphitheater in our area to watch Dave Matthews Band! We got these tickets for each other for Valentine’s Day. It was my third show and Dustin’s first!

My sister and brother-in-law went with us!

And a bonus….I finally got to meet Lindsay in person! I love her blog, love her instagram, and now love her even more! Blogging is such a funny thing because if you aren’t part of it, then it’s hard to understand. I’ve “met” online some really great ladies that I count as friends and I love it each time I get to meet them in person. Lindsay is super sweet and our husbands got along, too!
Have a great weekend!
Love love love this post! I’m so glad we finally got to meet! Took us long enough!! I can’t wait until we can do it again!
As a fellow educator I -have- to comment. WaHoooooo!
Enjoy your Summer Holiday.
Hope you get to do things that bring you joy.