It’s so true that the years really do fly by because this past year of my life has flown. It’s hard to believe that Merritt turns ONE today!

Our little caboose.

Our sweet surprise.

Merritt is the smiliest, happiest girl. She loves her brothers, and she has a special relationship with Banks since they are so close in age.

She used to cry when you told her (or anyone near her) “no,” but now she will just look at you and continue to do what you told her to not do.

She hates all of the bows I put in her hair, and I consider it a win if we can keep one in for 5 minutes!

She’s an excellent sleeper.

She has 7 teeth!

She’s a fast crawler and pulls up on things.

She wants to chew on everything! I’ve always heard about babies chewing on their cribs, and I never believed it until Merritt came around LOL. She chews on anything she can get her mouth on.

She loves to pull hair ๐ (Hence why I had to cut my hair off)

She gets so excited that she’ll scream and kick her legs–it’s the sweetest thing!

She’s a wiggly girl who loves to be on the move, and she was the same way in the womb! Constantly moving and kicking!

She’s got sweet, little blonde hair and I keep wondering if it’ll stay that color or darken to be like mine.

Never in a million years did I think I would be able to carry and birth one of our children. I’m so grateful I got to experience pregnancy because it gave me a greater appreciation for the boys’ birth moms and the sacrifices they made for them and the privilege that I didn’t have to make the same sacrifice.

I pray that one day Merritt loves the Lord and lives her life in a way that brings Him all the glory!

To go back and read Merritt’s birth story, click here.

We all love you so much, Merritt Elizabeth Anne!