I will be the first to tell you that I am SO late to the Gilmore Girls party. Where was I when it was popular while I was in high school? I don’t even think I even knew what GG was because in all honesty, I didn’t watch much tv in high school.
So last summer I decided to start watching after my friend Julie convinced me that it was worth the seven seasons I would have to watch–a daunting thought, for sure.
I finally finished the entire series last week and finished the reunion mini series a few days ago! And because I fell in love with it, I wanted to share four reasons why! (And also because I still want to talk about it lol!)
1. The show makes me feel cozy!

Stars Hollow is the cutest town in New England, and it really reminds me (in a way) of a small town in the South. The people all know one another and the town really has such a cozy feeling during the fall and winter seasons. I would LOVE to visit the town it was based upon! I texted Julie as soon as I finished the last episode talking about how much I loved the show because of that cozy feeling–you know, it’s that feeling you get when you’re sitting under the coziest blanket while drinking coffee with a candle burning nearby.
2. The characters are endearing.

Other than really loving Rory and her mother Lorelei, I’d have to say Emily Gilmore is my favorite. You can’t help but love her! She’s got the wittiest comebacks and her overbearing ways are really solidified in love. I didn’t like Emily at first, but as I got to “know” her during the show, I realized that underneath her hard exterior is just a mother wishing and hoping for a relationship with her daughter.
Not only do I love Emily, but I also love Kirk (he’s hilarious), Luke (the sweetest), and Logan (I loved to hate him at first, too). The writer of GG really did a great job crafting these characters because they are the ones who make the show. I found myself rooting for certain characters to be together like I actually knew them in real life lol!
3. The storylines are relatable.
Even though this show started twenty years ago (I can’t believe I’m even typing that!!), I have found so many of the story lines relatable–the different mother-daughter dynamics, the love struggles, the friendships, Rory’s love of reading–this show has it all! I remember understanding Rory’s defeat when she made a bad grade at Chilton (I could tell you everything about the B that I made in high school that knocked me out of running for valedictorian). Even though this show is older, it’s still so relevant today, and I would think to teen girls even more so!
4. The show is hilarious!

I laugh at least once an episode, but mostly I laugh more than that because it’s HILARIOUS! The wit and sarcasm and dry humor are so entertaining that even when there’s a heavy storyline, you can always count on there being a little bit of comedic relief. Paris Gellar has the best lines in the show haha!
Okay, so now that I’ve rambled about my love for a show that’s twenty years old, do you have a show that’s older that you just love, too? Or do you love GG as much as me? I’ve found a coffee cup I want from Etsy ๐