Happy Tuesday! Now that January is about halfway over, I finally want to talk about my goals for the year LOL
Before I share my 2025 goals, let’s look back at last year’s goals and see how I did! You’ll notice that I made very low stakes goals because I knew that having 2 babies at once would be much harder.
2024 Goals Update
1. Have a baby.
Check! Merritt came a few days after her due date, and I had a great labor! Thankful that I got to experience my water breaking and going into labor on my own. Hindsight is always 20/20 and looking back, I kind of wish I didn’t get the epidural. I didn’t get it until I was 7cm dilated and ended up having to start pushing at 9cm (so I didn’t really get much relief), but then I think about how uncomfortable it was for them to move my cervix out of the way each time I pushed and the epidural probably helped mitigate some of that pain.

2. Work out again.
That did not happen like I thought it would. Life is just a little harder with 3 small children and I don’t get as much free time as I used to. But that’s okay! We’re now in a new year!
3. Find a natural deodorant to start using.
YES!!! I had heard or read all of the horror stories about swapping to a natural deodorant and how it required your armpits to basically detox from the aluminum. I’ve read where people would even break out in a rash until their armpits got used to the baking soda in natural deodorants. Well, I did my research and decided on this deodorant. It’s been the BEST!! There’s been no detox at all and I’ve used both the Blue Tansy scent and Lavender scent.
4. Read 15 books this year.
I read 25!!!!! And this was probably why I didn’t work out any last year too haha!!! I will add my favorites in to Friday’s post because I have a couple of favorites from last year.
5. Try making sourdough bread.
Nope. Way too ambitious of a goal for last year.
Now let’s go over my goals for 2025!!!
1. Go to Disney World!!
We’ve booked a trip for our family to go this fall and we are so excited! Banks will be the same age that Harrison was when we took Harrison, and it was such a fun age for DW. Merritt will be about a year and a half, and I think that will be really fun, too.
2. Cut down on seed oils in our home.
Have you read all of the things about seed oils and how they were even created? (We can thank Rockefeller for them.). Toward the end of 2024, a study came out linking seed oils with colon cancer since those who are getting colon cancer are getting younger and younger. After that, I’ve decided to really make sure that I’m buying better-for-us food that doesn’t include seed oils. I’ve noticed seed oils in some of our “healthier” processed foods that has really shocked me!
3. Read 20 books this year.
I set my Goodreads goal for 20 books this year. It’s a low bar, but I’m one of those people who can’t stand to not hit a goal like that so I don’t want to spend the end of this year stressed and trying to read constantly in order to meet my reading goal. I’ve already read one book and am in the middle of another, so I feel like next year I will set my goal much higher.
4. Start running again.
I miss running!!!! It used to be like therapy to me. Last year I sold my Peloton since I never used it and really was over the whole spinning workout, and my MIL gave me her old treadmill. Dustin set it all up in the garage, and now when I get a chance to work out at night, I’ll get on the treadmill and walk on an incline. Once I find a good high impact sports bra, I’m going to start adding in running to my workouts.
5. Work on spending quality one-on-one time with the kids.
Back in November, Harrison’s school had a night where you visited and learned how to play a game with your child that was supposed to help their brain development. Dustin stayed home with the babies because we knew it would be crowded, so I told Harrison we were going on a date and asked him where he wanted to take me to eat (Chick-fil-a was his choice haha). He had the best time and talked forever about our date and when we were going to go on another. Because of that, I want to make sure this year (and forever) that I make sure to spend quality one-on-one time with each of my children. Merritt won’t really know any better right now but go ahead and normalize it to where my children expect it and look forward to it. This is also a goal I have for Dustin, too.
Those are my goals for the year. I’d love to hear your goals for the year below!!
Awwww y’all are going to have THE BEST TIME at Disney! The kids are at such fun ages for it!!
Yes!!!!! I cannot wait!!!
Such great goals!
Thank you!!!
Loved reading your goals! I must tell you that I love when you post stories and I hear Banks talk! His little voice is the sweetest! Happy New Year to your beautiful family.
He is so funny 😂😂😂 I love hearing him talk, too 🥰
Those sound like great goals!!
Thank you!!!