Happy Summer, friends! While I know it’s not technically the first day of summer, there’s something about Memorial Day that feels like the start to summer. We’ve had a busy past month so I want to update y’all before kicking off the summer blogging season LOL!

Harrison wrapped up his first baseball season this month. We skipped signing him up for t-ball and this year put him in 6U baseball. He had a great time and Dustin probably had an even better time as the “Dugout Dad” ha! Harrison’s season went from the end of February to the end of May. I started his season waddling up to all the practices and ended it pushing two babies in my double stroller :).

I went back to work on May 13 and I really struggled with even going back to work in the first place because the week before, Merritt developed pneumonia and it was so scary. I hated having to leave her each day (even though she was in the best care with either my mom or Dustin). Then she caught rhinovirus on top of having pneumonia so it was reaaaaaally rough at home. Thankfully she’s doing so much better!

I celebrated Mother’s Day this year with my hands full and my heart grateful! I made a reel to celebrate my feelings for the day. I know I didn’t do a great job on Mother’s Day acknowledging the hurt some women feel on that day–I know, because I was there six years ago. So I want to acknowledge that now and encourage those of you who feel sadness on Mother’s Day (or any holiday) to remember that true joy only comes from Christ and our hope in Him. I’m on the other side now and I can affirm that it’s true–my joy is not in my children. I love them so much but they also let me down. They are human just like I am–none of us are perfect–only Christ.

Harrison also graduated from his preschool program that he’d been going to since he was 5 months old! He’s had a great 5 years there and it’s hard to believe he’s going to kindergarten in August!

He also looks like a little teenager here–I feel like I’m looking at his senior pictures!

Banks has been so sweet toward Merritt. It’s really surprised me how great of a big brother he is. If he hears her cry, he starts to yell, “Me Me!” He wants to help me burp her. He wants to try to shove her Paci (or even his) in her mouth. He just turned 14 months old when Merritt was born, so it really is like taking care of two babies–two in diapers, two in cribs. But I’ve been pleasantly surprised at how gentle he is with her and how much he loves her!

And now we’re all home for summer break! I am looking forward to getting on a better schedule/routine (my type 1 enneagram self really thrives in one). 🙂
I’m so glad sweet Merritt is feeling better! I can’t imagine how scary that must have been. I hope you have the very best summer break yet with all of your babies! I know you will!
I am so glad too!!