WOOHOO I FINALLY DID IT!!! I finally hit 100 rides with my Peloton–which may not seem like a big deal to others, but it’s a major deal to me! I went out on a limb telling Dustin I wished I had a Peloton last year around my birthday (about a year ago), and lo and behold, he surprised me with one for Christmas.
Peloton’s a pretty major purchases, so I’m really proud that it’s a workout that I’ve stuck with and pushed myself! I’ve never written an in-depth post about my bike, so I thought now is the perfect time to do so!

Why I love the Peloton
I love the Peloton for a number of reasons–and it’s not just the spin classes! But let me talk spin classes for a moment. I love that I can choose the length of class I want or I can choose they type of class. For example, I really enjoy groove rides and those rides are choreographed to the beat of the music. Most of the time it involves lots of transitions in and out of the saddle (the seat), and I really enjoy those types of rides because they work my booty!
I also like themed rides. I did Alex Toussaint’s The Last Dance ride after I finished watching all of the The Last Dance documentary with Dustin. I did Emma Lovewell and Ally Love’s Prince ride when it came out and it was a lot of fun, too! Cody Rigsby started an XOXO series about going back to school, and his rides are always fun.
Favorite Instructors
I have to admit, I don’t venture out on my instructors once I find a few that I like. I feel like it’s just like finding my favorite dish at a restaurant and then being too afraid to try something new in case you don’t like it haha!! Hands down, my favorite instructor is Cody Rigsby! His commentary during his rides are hilarious and he makes me forget how out of shape I am while riding lol! I also like Jess King. My sister loves her Sweat Steady rides and I tried one and I definitely was pouring sweat by the time I was finished. A few others I’ve tried and liked are Alex Toussaint, Ally Love, Emma Lovewell, Olivia Amato, and Matt Wilpers.
Other Workouts I’ve Tried on the App
Bodyweight bootcamp classes from Jess Sims don’t seem tough but they are!! I like the option to also get in a quick 5-10 minute super focused workout–like abs, arm, or lower body. I tried a dance cardio workout when those first debuted and I laughed the whole time I was doing it because I was terrible….and then I couldn’t walk for 3 days after LOL! I’ve also tried yoga and sleep meditation. A barre class is next on my list!
Is it worth the price?
I think that depends on you. Are you going to actually use it? Then yes, it’s definitely worth the price because you get so many workout options and your subscription price is only $39 a month. If you’re sharing this with your spouse or older children, then it’s much cheaper than a gym membership.
They’ve just come out with a new bike that allows you to get off the bike during a ride and do some bodyweight exercises. The new bike has a screen that pivots, but I don’t really think it’s needed if you can get behind the regular bike if you choose to do a class like that (I haven’t tried yet because I would need to rearrange my bike).
If you’re interested in getting a bike, Peloton has a referral program where I can give you my code and it’ll give you $100 off accessories (think your shoes and mat!!!) and I get $100 to use in the apparel store. Email me at saraheshaneyfelt@gmail.com if you’re interested!!!
Overall, I really love my Peloton! During this season of life where I need a quick at-home workout, the Peloton has been perfect (and it was really perfect during quarantine!!). Once Harrison gets a little older and I’m ready to go out on runs again, the Peloton will be a great addition for cross-training.
Yay for 100 rides!!! It really does feel like a great accomplishment to stick with it for that number…especially since it’s such a big purchase! Way to go!!!
It IS a big deal and I’m very proud of you!! I still want one soooo bad!
That is fantastic!! Huge goal accomplished! xo, Biana BlovedBoston
Congrats! That’s fantastic.
Woo hoo!! Congratulations, lady!! That is a big accomplishment!