Happy Friday, friends! I am keeping today short and sweet since I didn’t get home until after 10 last night, and I’m writing this blog post early Friday morning.
This picture popped up on my Facebook memories–can I be that dark and thin again?! This was taken on our honeymoon and we had just spend a day on the beach and decided to stop at a local ice cream shop. It was heavenly because I ate whatever I wanted on our honeymoon haha!
Wednesday at school we had club day. Each teacher sponsors a club and some are based on that teacher’s hobby. Another teacher and I sponsor the fashion club and we decided to talk about make up at our last meeting. So Monday I spent my planning period trying to find a make up tutorial that was appropriate for 12 and 13 year old girls. And when the girls showed up Wednesday morning, some had more make up than I did and they also watched my favorite makeup girl, Jaclyn Hill. #iworeclearmascarawheniwastheirage
Tonight at my church, our women’s ministry is sponsoring a coffee house night with a guest speaker. I spent last night helping to set up (check my IG story @saraheshaneyfelt). Our speaker became a widow suddenly at a very young age with 3 young boys all age 4 and under. She will be talking about God’s grace and provision through her suffering.
And I enjoyed reading this article on how much women spend to compete on The Bachelor.