Happy Friday, y’all!!! I am so happy to be back to blogging again after being without the internet for TWO WHOLE WEEKS!!!! Am I complaining?? A little haha! You don’t realize how much you use the internet (online banking, checking email, looking up a recipe, social media, etc.) until you’re without it, and Dustin and I tried to not use so much of our cell phone data–tried being the key word. Can I say it was quiet at my house?
Anyway, AT&T FINALLY came to hook up internet and cable yesterday and now I am back to blogging! As usual, I’m linking up with Andrea for Friday Favorites.
I don’t remember how I found this Etsy store on Instagram, but I somehow did and I’m so glad. (I found it during the time when I was trying to conserve my data. If I could insert the laughing emoji right here I would.) This lady has the most beautiful signs I’ve ever seen. I took a screen shot of this one because I’m a little obsessed, but I can’t let myself spend the $300 is costs. If it were half the price then yes because I’ve already decided where I would put it in my new house (in my bedroom). Let’s hope she has a BIG sale soon so I can order this beauty and put her in my bedroom! Oh, hey Dustin…I know you’re reading this so… ๐
Remember how I said we went two whole weeks without internet and TV??? Well that left me with a lot of time to procrastinate grad school homework (which I’m making up for right now) and lots of time to read! I went by our public library and checked out three books. I read two of those books and gave up reading the other because I’m over the dystopian literature right now. (Side note: I told Dustin that same thing and then asked him if he knew what dystopian meant. He said no, and then I proceeded to explain dystopian vs utopian and then felt sorry for him that he married an English teacher.) I reread The Fault in Our Stars because I love it so much and cried at all of the same parts that I cried in the first time I read it. I decided that I need to buy my own copy because I want to underline every beautiful sentence I find in this novel.
(Here’s a little sneak peek into the house!)
Who doesn’t love Kate Middleton? I mean look at her. She’s fabulous and classy and a princess! I love this photo for so many reasons. I love her fascinator. I love her very chic and classic white suit. And I love that she used a family christening gown to christen her daughter, Charlotte. I also love the name Charlotte but my husband doesn’t. ๐
Stay tuned to lots of posts coming soon!!! SOOO much happened in the two weeks I was gone from blogging that I’ll have to break it down into a few posts.
Enjoy your weekend!!