Hey y’all!! How many of y’all stayed up watching the State of the Union address last night? I believe that no matter what political party you align with, it’s important to watch the SOTU address. It lasted much longer than I expected it to, so by the time Dustin and I went to bed, I think I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow haha! So I’m writing today’s post early in the morning!
1. Who is your oldest friend/how did you meet?
I have friends that are still in my life from day care and elementary school!! I think that’s the best thing about living in a small town. But my very best friend has been in my life since early high school when we met after my mom and sister and I changed to the church she went to and we met in youth group. Dustin and I were just in Auburn spending the weekend with her and her husband!
2. Tell us about your circle of support. Who are your people?
Oh man, I have an awesome support circle. Not only do I have great family and a great small group at church, but my coworkers are awesome. When I was going through IVF, my coworkers would pray with and for me at school or bring me small gifts or send me random texts letting me know they are thinking of me. When I miscarried back in May, my coworkers were the first to show up and take care of me/us. They brought food, called, dropped off chocolates, and made sure I didn’t have to cook supper for days. I could never leave the school I teach at because my coworkers are so great!
3. How did you meet your partner?
We were set up on a blind date by….a coworker haha!! My coworkers are really integral to my life haha! Dustin was a senior in high school when I was a freshman so I didn’t really know him because we didn’t have the same circle of friends–although we should have been in some of the same places because some of our friends were siblings.
4. How is Valentine’s Day celebrated in your home?
Usually we go out to eat but last year I had surgery a few days before Valentine’s Day, so Dustin made the most wonderful filet mignon with a wine reduction sauce. I’ve requested that same meal again this year!
5. What is your love language?
Honestly, I’ve never read the book.
6. Do you prefer receiving flowers or chocolates?
I would prefer receiving flowers any day but Valentine’s Day since the prices are jacked up on flowers on that day. Dustin, feel free to send me a spring arrangement once it warms up outside!
7. What is the most meaningful gift you have ever received or given?
I can’t think of anything in particular?? Cliche, but the way Dustin proposed was very special and I do cherish my engagement ring. This year for Christmas he surprised me with my Nespresso machine and that wasn’t evens something I had asked for! I had just been randomly talking about wanting one for months, so that showed me he had been listening and paying attention to me. Oh, and this Christmas he got me the most beautiful necklace as a gift. If you know me, you know that I’m not the biggest jewelry fan and any jewelry that I wear (except my engagement ring) isn’t going to be big or flashy–as in, I wear pearl studs every day and that’s about it. He picked out a very simple rose gold necklace with a small strand of diamonds and it was perfect for my jewelry style! This showed me that he knows me!
How would you answer some of these questions?