Hey hey, y’all!! We’re halfway through with the week! Dustin is still recovering from Alabama’s loss to Clemson (love Dabo though!) and I’m recovering from watching my recorded Bachelor episode last night. ๐ We’ll see how far I make it in this season because I’m currently trying to make it through a really good book that I can’t wait to share with y’all! I’m really just interested in seeing how far Miss Alabama USA, Hannah, makes it.
Today I want to share a quick adoption update with y’all because my last one was mid October, which was before we were matched!
Right now we’re under two months until our due date and I’m equally so excited but also not wanting to rush it too quickly. We’re trying to get last minute things together so we aren’t scrambling in February. We got the travel bag for our stroller since we’re flying and the warranty on that is awesome (and much needed). The picture above is the bassinet stand I got for our stroller’s bassinet because the baby will sleep in that in our bedroom when we get back home–right next to my side of the bed!!
I’ve pretty much got the nursery done. There are a few things I’m just going to wait and register for when we get back home because they aren’t really needed now–I don’t think?? I finally got the nursery bedding in this past weekend ๐ I knew what I want, but it was hard to pull the trigger! Last weekend I reorganized the closet….again ha!
Since my last update, we had another fundraiser which was a craft booth at an advent market. We almost sold out of everything we brought, so that was great!! And we applied for another grant at the end of December that would be AWESOME if we were awarded it!
Thank you for praying for us, our birth mom, and the baby during this time!