I’m a little behind on Banks’s birthday post since he’s been two for almost a month, but I want to make sure I have this memory on my blog!
Banks turned two on January 24th, and I took the day off work to spend with him since I felt like last year’s birthday he had to share it with an ice storm and then an almost 8 month pregnant Momma ๐

I am so incredibly grateful that I get to be Banks’s Momma, and I don’t take that for granted. Dustin and I prayed ceaselessly for a 2nd baby, and God gave us the most perfect baby boy. He’s a Momma’s boy through and through and I love when he takes his Paci out and looks at me and says, “Kiss.” He’s average for his height and the best big brother to Merritt. He loves to get her teething toys to bring to her or pat her on the head. She pulls his hair and he doesn’t get mad. He’s Harrison’s shadow–wanting to copy everything big brother does.

We took Harrison and Merritt to school on his birthday and headed to Huntsville to a gluten free bakery where they have a cake that is both gluten free and dairy free for his birthday. Dustin had an appointment at his endocrinologist at the hospital, so he met us for breakfast at the bakery! (You’ll see that sometimes Banks doesn’t keep his eyes open for a picture when he’s cheesin’ hard)
After that we went to Target and walked around. I also tried to go to a children’s consignment shop, but it was mass chaos and we turned around and walked out haha.

We stopped by Starbucks after for a treat ๐

Then we headed back to our town to stop at our local children’s boutique where Banks followed me around sweeping the store haha!
Banks’s party was the next day (on a Saturday). He loves two things: Wall-E and Snoopy. I felt like it would be easier finding Snoopy things to decorate with–and it was on Etsy! I ordered two weeks before his party; the items shipped out quickly; but then it snowed in Florida and his party supplies were stuck at the Pensacola post office and didn’t arrive to us until the Monday after his party ๐

We just kept it to immediate family, and I decorated in Snoopy’s colors.

Since the party was at 3:30PM, I had a cold dip, hot dip, and little smokies in the crockpot. I served a punch that my mom made (SO SO GOOD!!), had a coffee bar, and then offered water.

A former student who goes to my church made Banks’s banner and I loved it so much!

Banksie Boo, we love you so much!