I grew up in a family that played music constantly–either on the radio or on the record player. And now I’m the same way. Just last night as I was cooking dinner, I had the Bose bluetooth speaker on and was playing music from Pandora.
But just recently I’ve thought about getting into podcasts. It all started last week after my friend Emily sent me a podcast that I really enjoyed listening to. I know podcasts are really popular right now, so I thought I’d try to listen to the really popular ones that everyone is raving about.
Here are a few I’ve listened to already, what I liked or didn’t like, and ones I want to listen to. I also need your suggestions for good ones, too!
Ones I’ve listened to:
Serial: I know this was such a popular podcast, but I could not get into it.
Stuff You Should Know: I listened to the Alexander Hamilton one (loved it) and the one on quinoa (boring). I would say this wasn’t my favorite either.
Unbuttoned by Yahoo Style: I listened to the podcast about dressing celebrities for award shows and the politics behind it, and I really enjoyed it! I love fashion anyway, so this was really interesting to me. I’ve got one downloaded that features the costume designer from Mad Men, and I was obsessed with watching Mad Men when it was on just for the fashion ๐
John Piper Sermons: I am a huge John Piper fan, so I love listening to his sermons!! If you want to listen to him, I recommend making sure you can pay attention too because his sermons go in depth.
Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology: Dustin went through a men’s study that used Grudem’s book. Then we found out he had a podcast of his class lectures, so I’ve listened to a few of them so I could feel like I was participating in Dustin’s study haha! These are really interesting and you learn so much–my favorite? The ones on justification.
What I want to listen to:
The Librarian is In: I’ve read that this is librarians from the NYC Public Library discussing books. Should be good, right?
Lady Lovin’ by Lo Bosworth: I loved Lo on Laguna Beach and The Hills, so I want to listen to at least one episode.
Are there any I’m missing that are super interesting?
Lady Lovin’ by Lo Bosworth: I loved Lo on Laguna Beach and The Hills, so I want to listen to at least one episode.
Are there any I’m missing that are super interesting?