Summer Goals
Losing Our Baby
How far along: 4 weeks as of Friday, April 20th!!!!!!!!!! We are over the moon about this precious gift from God!!! Our due date is December 28th!!
Size of Baby: I immediately downloaded the Ovia app and it says Baby Shaneyfelt is the size of a poppy seed!
Gender: We don’t even care!! We are just praying for a healthy pregnancy.
Movement: None and won’t be for a while!
Sleep: I didn’t sleep any the night we found out because I knew we were telling our families that weekend (more on that below). But starting Sunday, the fatigue has kicked in and it is real. I never thought pregnancy symptoms happened this early, but I really am tired.
Symptoms: This may be tmi but I had no idea constipation was a symptom of pregnancy because no one talks about it! Yep. I’m also really tired all the time, and I’ve had a little cramping which makes me feel better because I know my body is doing what it’s supposed to do. And because I’ve dealt with infertility for so long, I feel like I’ve become really in-tune to how my body feels, so I can tell that I’m pregnant. I’m bloated and there’s a strange sensation–kind of like pressure–in my lower abdomen. It lets me know something is there!
Maternity Clothes: Nope!
Cravings/Aversions: Nothing yet, although I saw someone post about fried chicken and I instantly craved chicken fingers one night. That is so unlike me so Dustin was so sweet and went and got me some!
Missing Most: Caffeine ha!
Nursery: We knew what room the future nursery would be before we built our home, so I’m so excited to see it transform! We’ll wait until we find out the gender to decorate.
Dustin: Is so excited and the best!! He’s made sure I’ve had it easy this week and I can’t wait to see him hold our baby!!
Best Part of the Week: Finding our we’re pregnant! And we had the best time telling our families! Yes, we told early, but IVF hinders any sort of surprise. Our families knew about our transfer so we told them early so they could continue to pray for us.
Can’t Wait For: This Friday is my next doctor’s appointment to check my blood work to make sure all of my numbers are doubling like they should! Then at the 6 week appointment we have our first ultrasound and I cannot wait for that!
Right before our transfer in April
My nightly shot
Two days later on the day I would be 8 weeks, we arrived at the hospital at 6 AM for the d&c. I was so numb all morning until the anesthesiologist asked me how far along I was. I cried when I got back to the operating room and the sweetest nurse held my hand and rubbed my forehead until they put me to sleep. I cried when I woke up in recovery and remembered what had just happened. I cried when they wheeled me back into the room with Dustin.
Thank you for sticking with it and reading this entire post. Yes, this is a very sad post and the pain is real, but my hope is that you’ll see past that and see that our hope remains in Christ. As Christians, we sometimes have to remind ourselves of God’s truth instead of listening to our emotions. David cried out in the Pslams, “I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He dew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord” (Ps. 40: 1-3) Life isn’t easy, but we know we don’t go through life alone. My prayer is that whenever you experience suffering–and you will–that in your grief, you’re able to praise God for who He is.