Podcasts: To Listen or Not To Listen?
I grew up in a family that played music constantly–either on the radio or on the record player. And now I’m the same way. Just last night as I was cooking dinner, I had the Bose bluetooth speaker on and was playing music from Pandora.
But just recently I’ve thought about getting into podcasts. It all started last week after my friend Emily sent me a podcast that I really enjoyed listening to. I know podcasts are really popular right now, so I thought I’d try to listen to the really popular ones that everyone is raving about.
Here are a few I’ve listened to already, what I liked or didn’t like, and ones I want to listen to. I also need your suggestions for good ones, too!
Ones I’ve listened to:
What I want to listen to:
Lady Lovin’ by Lo Bosworth: I loved Lo on Laguna Beach and The Hills, so I want to listen to at least one episode.
Are there any I’m missing that are super interesting?
Week Happenings: A Little Life Lately
Last night we ate at Cracker Barrel with my sister and her husband. I couldn’t resist taking a picture of this cutie at the checkout ๐