I snapped this photo and sent it to Dustin to show him my gorgeous attire for running to get the neighbor’s paper to put in her house before I got ready for church (she was out of town). I don’t run the fashion club for nothing, right?! ha!
Yesterday afternoon I went over to my aunt’s house for a girls’ Christmas craft day. I had the best time! There was food, some shopping, and a cute door hanger craft for us to make. Listen, I am not artistic in the least bit so I was pretty proud of how mine turned out! This was my table busy painting our snowman.
The rest of the girls in my aunt’s salon painting their masterpieces!
My finished product! Not too shabby for someone who can’t draw a circle ๐
Dustin and I went to Cracker Barrel last night when he got home because we are both obsessed with the grilled chicken caesar salad AND it’s on the healthy menu! Then I watched a little bit of The Wizard of Oz before getting ready for bed. I can watch that movie a million times and it never gets old!
I finished the night doing my quiet time. The first day of the advent season started yesterday and I look forward to doing an advent study every year. Some years I’ve done John Piper’s study, but he didn’t come out with a new one this year. Last year was the first year I did the She Reads Truth study and loved it! This year’s study will go through the Old Testament prophets, kings, high priests, and point to how Jesus fulfilled that in the New Testament. It’s not too late to start this study since today is only Day 2–please email me if you have any questions or just want to chat about faith!
Linking up with Biana