I used to hate the thought of coffee. I didn’t even like the smell of it. Everyone used to tell me that would change once I started college and would need coffee to stay up to study. But because I didn’t drink any caffeinated drink before coffee, I never felt the need to even try coffee.
Then I turned 27 and decided on a whim to order a Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks instead of my usual white hot chocolate order. And you know what? I loved it! But I soon realized I only loved coffee when it tasted sweet, and sweet tasting coffee usually means lots of calories and sugar!
I soon realized that I needed to find a way to still be able to drink my coffee but without all the added sugar. I’m excited to share with you today the way that I’ve been drinking my coffee in a way that it’s sweet but way healthier than most sweet coffees!
A few notes about how I drink my coffee:
-I normally fill my coffee cup halfway with coffee and that’s the most coffee I’ll drink in a day. Still not drinking a ton simply because I’m a water drinker
-I don’t measure anything–just eyeball it!
-I buy sugar free syrups because Dustin is a Type I diabetic and I want him to be able to use these syrups, too
-I bought plastic coffee stirrers from Amazon and they have been a life changer!
-I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk as a creamer because it’s so much healthier than milk–or real cream–and it’s sweeter because it’s vanilla. Just make sure it’s the unsweetened kind!
1. Caramel and Chocolate
–Pour enough caramel syrup in your coffee cup to just barely cover the bottom
-Pour one good drop (maybe 1 tsp) of Hershey’s syrup
-Add in your coffee
-Top it off with unsweetened vanilla almond milk
-Stir and enjoy!
2. Super Vanilla
-Pour enough French vanilla syrup to barely cover the bottom of your coffee cup
-Add in coffee
-Top it off with unsweetened vanilla almond milk
-Stir and enjoy!
Now if you’re able to drink your coffee black then you could care less about these flavor additions. But if you’re like me and you want sweet but don’t want the extra sugars (and calories) that come with that, then these flavored coffees are for you!
Linking up with Biana