Happy Monday, y’all!!!
Lots of firsts in today’s post and I’m so excited about it! First, I’ve been wanting to document a day in the life with Harrison since we brought him home, but I always felt so scattered without a set routine that it was hard to thoroughly document. Second, today’s post might be the first one that’s really picture heavy! I usually shy away from putting a ton of pictures in my posts because I know it’s overwhelming to read/sort through, but I tried to fully document this day so I could always remember what a normal day was like with my almost 5 month old.
Dustin had to work on Saturday and I knew it would be a typical day for Harrison and me, so that’s the day I chose! I did the best I could taking pictures, but you’ll see that I didn’t do so great after bath time ha!
**Side note: I haven’t been sleeping well at night the past week, so I’ve been letting myself sleep in WAY TOO LATE to make up for it. If you know me, you know that I enjoy getting up early in the morning, so this is the only non-typical thing about this post ๐
To see my other day in the life posts, click here!!!
Harrison first started stirring at this time (I could hear him and watch him on his monitor), so I took a screenshot thinking this would be the time I would be waking up. Turns out, he put himself back to sleep–which is typical for him!!
I meant to close my eyes for just a few minutes, but I accidentally slept another hour. This is when I woke up.
I checked the monitor and he was sound asleep!
(Yes he sleeps on his stomach. Yes he’s breathing–trust me. I know doctors now say “back is best” but Harrison can roll over and sleeps so much better on his stomach!)
The first thing I do every morning if I wake up before Harrison (which is what normally happens) is I make my spark drink. Also, our counter space has changed so much since having a baby haha!
I go and wake Harrison up at 8am to give him his first bottle (if he hasn’t woken up before that…which he normally doesn’t) and check out the look he’s giving me ๐๐ Don’t worry, he did smile soon after he got over being mad at me lol!
Since Harrison has reflux, we keep him upright 10-15 minutes after his bottle before we change his diaper, so we’re just hanging out before diaper change.
I was starving shortly after his bottle (usually I can wait until he goes down for a nap to eat) so I had to make my breakfast and I chose kodiak cakes.
Harrison went down for a nap at 9:30am so I did my morning cleaning routine. I took the clean dishes out of the dishwasher and put those away and began loading the dishwasher with the dirty dishes. I wiped down the counter tops and lit the candle.
I made our bed and this morning I also deep cleaned our bedroom and bathroom and dusted the living room.
Harrison woke up a few minutes before 11, so I fed him his bottle about 5 minutes early.
Then I changed his clothes for the day. He’s wearing his 4th of July outfit as much as he can this month haha! And he’s really into sticking his tongue out all the time!
We played during tummy time.
And then he played in his chair about 15 minutes…which is how long he lasts before crying. He’s still too small for this chair, so I have to prop him forward with a blanket and put a book under him to get him high enough to play. My tiny baby ๐
Harrison went down for his next nap at 12:45pm, so I showered….yay!!!! And wore athletic clothes because it was 95 degrees out.
Then I took a short break and watched some of the Hallmark Christmas in July movies while eating some Brookside chocolates.
I woke him up for his next bottle at 2pm and then we stayed upright for a little while after. He’s always such a happy baby!!
Then we had to run to Walmart to grab a few things we were out of and Harrison usually stares at me when we’re in unfamiliar places ๐ Then once we got out to the car and ran into our outreach pastor, he decided to cry so we cut that visit short and put him down for a nap as soon as we got home–about 3:50/4ish.
I woke Harrison up for his next bottle at 5pm and he was in a much better mood!
That tongue!!
I needed to throw together dinner, so I put Harrison on the counter next to me while I cooked. He was happy about helping–and listening to good music!
I got stuff ready for taco salad.
And we decided to dance while waiting on Daddy to get home from work. (Harrison either holds onto my shirt or my neck when I hold him.)
I didn’t want taco salad, so I grabbed a glass pie dish and used 1/3rd of it to make oven baked nachos so I could have leftovers for lunch the next day!
But before I could eat, I quickly gave Harrison a bath while Dustin ate.
And then Dustin got Harrison’s jammies on him so I could eat. I grabbed a quick picture and said, “Harrison, smile” and he did! Love this sweet picture!
He’s also REALLY LOVING his hands in his mouth right now.
Then I didn’t get anymore pictures. ๐
Dustin always gives Harrison his 8pm bedtime bottle. I then get Harrison ready for bed and put him down before 9pm (Usually 8:45). Dustin went to bed shortly after because he was exhausted, and I stayed up watching Jurassic Park 3 ๐