Today I’m linking up with Shay in her monthly Let’s Look link up! When I saw that today’s topic was summer schedules, I knew I had to participate because I LOVE a schedule! I thrive in a schedule and so do my children.
Since I’m out of school for the summer, I get to set the schedule. The school year is hard for me because I have to adjust to a schedule set for me. For example, Banks was taking two naps a day when he started his new class in August. The class he was placed in only does one nap a day. That was so hard for him to adjust to (and also me since he was usually in a horrible mood on days he went to school), so now that we’re home for the summer, I see that he still needs a small mid-morning nap most days and now he gets to have one!
Having three small children right now is a little chaotic, but I wanted to share what our typical day looks like when Dustin is working and we don’t have anywhere to be during nap times. Our schedule revolves around Merritt’s right now.
7:00 am-wake Merritt to feed her a bottle (99% of the time the boys are already up by this time)
**play time, breakfast time, Banks goes down for a short nap shortly before Merritt’s next bottle
8:30-10:00 am- Merritt takes her first nap
10:00 am-Merritt’s second bottle of the day
10:45 am-wake Banks
11:30 am-put Merritt down for her next nap and start making everyone’s lunch
12:00 pm-boys are eating lunch
**after lunch Banks goes down for his big nap and Harrison goes upstairs for his quiet rest time. I’ll blog about this next week!
1:00 pm-Merritt’s third bottle of the day
**after I feed her, I’ll put her in this seat and I’ll try to either work on laundry, dishes, picking up around the house, or I may even sit down and eat my own lunch at this point while trying to read a little
2:30 pm- Harrison comes downstairs and I rock Merritt to sleep
**Harrison gets ready to go play outside. (We like to play outside all the time, but afternoons haven’t been scorching hot here lately so we’re really outside playing after nap time in order to exhaust everyone before bed haha)
3ish- Banks is up and I’m getting him ready to go outside and then I go outside with the boys
4:00 pm-Merritt’s fourth bottle of the day. (If it’s not too hot, I’ll feed her out back with the fan on and then we will stay outside until 5)
5:00 pm-go inside to start supper. Both Merritt and Banks have to come inside with me, but sometimes Harrison will opt to stay in our backyard playing
6:05 pm- Dustin is home and we eat! (This is later than I want to start eating, but we wait on Dustin to get home so we can eat as a family)
**After supper, we clean up the table, do bath time, read, and get the boys in bed–the goal is to get them in bed before 7:30 pm
7:00 pm-Merritt’s last bottle of the day. Then she’s swaddled and rocked to sleep. She usually goes to sleep pretty quickly but sometimes it takes a while to rock her.
Like I said, this is what our days look like when we stay at home all day–which is maybe half the time. Lately we’ve had swim lessons for Harrison at 10am. Sometimes we do a grocery pick up, run by the library, have a playdate with friends, visit family, or have appointments.
I know next summer will look totally different and won’t revolve around Merritt’s schedule like it does this summer, but these newborn days are fleeting and I’m soaking them all in ๐