Today I’m going to recap the rest of 2024. I ended up having to break it up into two parts because it was past my bedtime while I was writing part one (which you can read here!).

Harrison started kindergarten (cue me crying because I could not believe he’s old enough to be in kindergarten). Part of him being in kindergarten means that he rides the bus to my school with other kids whose mom works with me. He gets to my classroom a couple of minutes before school is over and my 7th period now looks forward to Harrison coming in the door every day haha!

The babies also started “school” so my morning now consist of dropping off at two places on opposite ends of town. Both babies have excellent teachers!

My nephew Wiley (my sister’s son born 4 months before Merritt) is in the classroom next door to Merritt so they got their picture together on the first day!

Harrison played soccer and was on my friend Maribeth’s team (her son is Harrison’s friend). We had a GREAT team full of great kids and parents and I think we only lost two games the entire season?

These two went to a bunch of Alabama home games this fall…

…while we cheered from home! We can’t wait for the day when the five of us get to go to the games!

I celebrated my 37th birthday with my family at my house. Here’s what I’ve decided as a mom to small kids–I’d rather celebrate my birthday at home vs eating out because I can’t relax at a restaurant right now. I know moms to small kids understand haha!

We had a rainy Halloween and only Dustin and Harrison went out for candy for about 30 minutes before the rain poured, but we all dressed up to get pictures! Both babies are wearing Harrison’s old costumes!! I told Dustin the money spent on those costumes was well worth it haha!

One of the Thanksgivings we went to was at my aunt’s house and my sister and cousin (who grew up like a brother to us because we were always together) got a picture with all of our kids who were born so close together! So far Merritt is the only girl in this group and I’m sure she’ll be bossing these boys around in a few years.

We did a walking night at the Galaxy of Lights this year instead of doing a driving tour like we’ve done since Harrison was born. The last time we did a walking night was before Harrison was born and we agreed that they’ve really upped their game on the walking tour and we’ll never drive the garden again! Walking the lights was magical!

We had Santa pictures made and Harrison was the only one to look at the camera and smile.

We dedicated Merritt at church and had a celebratory lunch back at our house! I also wished I wouldn’t have had Christmas cards printed already because I would have totally used this picture since everyone is smiling!
We were also sick a lot of December with parainfluenza, RSV, and the flu–yuck! (We currently have the flu at our house while I type this)

Harrison sang at church for our church’s 9 Lessons and Carols night!

We had a great Christmas this year even though we missed Christmas morning with my aunts and dad. Merritt had a cough and runny nose and we didn’t want to get the newest baby sick–turns out Merritt had RSV and then Harrison and Banks came down with the flu a few days later (along with my sister and nephew).
It’s been a wild 2024. Very exhausting and I’ve felt constrained to the house a lot–taking a quick trip to the grocery store isn’t as easy as it used to be. But it’s really been full of lots of cuddles, hugs, and kisses, and cheering each other on.
I remember being asked how many kids we wanted by our fertility doctor and Dustin said probably two and I said three thinking it would never be possible–yet this year proved differently. What a blessing the three of them have been and I am excited to watch them grow in 2025 and become even better friends!