Happy Saturday, y’all! I know this is usually a Friday post, but I didn’t get my act together on Thursday to create a post for Friday, so here I am Saturday morning with a post ๐
Janie and I went to The Gospel Coalition Women’s Conference last week and here we are on our last morning–pictured are two exhausted moms of toddlers who enjoyed their first nights away from their babies, but were excited to drive back home to see their babies (and husbands!) ha! We sat under excellent teaching on salvation stories from the Old Testament, and I had some really great breakout sessions that I attended.
I made this buffalo chicken pasta from Organically Addison and IT WAS WONDERFUL!! I used my Banza pasta noodles (gluten free and high in protein), a rotisserie chicken (to make it easy), and then I drizzled some Bolthouse Ranch over mine to cut the spice. Next time I’m going to add less buffalo sauce for me and Harrison and then Dustin can just add more to his plate.
I had some birthday money saved from two years ago and decided to finally spend some of it on a new nap dress. I have one for the winter that I wore in our Christmas card picture, but I really wanted one for the hot months. This one even has pockets, now!
I also wrote a post this past week on language surrounding adoption. When I wrote it, I had no idea SCOTUS would be reversing Roe v Wade. Since I hope more conversations are had surrounding adoption (and how you can take actions to help), please be aware of the language used and how it impacts.
I read two books this month so far–which is great for me these days! Both were really great!
I like Christina Lauren as an author, so I was excited to read the latest release. This one was fun and also gave me a twist that I did not predict! It deals with a treasure hunt and the American West.
LOTS of thoughts on Book Lovers. I had heard great reviews about it, so I was excited when my local library had it in. But the book is also REALLY LONG. I struggled the first 150 pages or so. I just felt like it was moving so slowly and those pages really could have been condensed. Then finally things picked up and I stayed up way past my bedtime reading to finish the book. I really liked how it turned out, and the only reason why I kept reading was because one of the characters was so likable that I had to make sure what I wanted to happen did happen haha!