I am a firm believer that your morning can set the tone to your day. Now yes, I know that ultimately no matter what, you choose your attitude for the day BUT I believe having a good morning helps that exponentially ๐
Here are a few ways I make sure my day starts off well:
1. Wake up before Harrison.
I crave routine and alone time in the morning more than ever now that I am a mom. I’m a morning person, so waking up earlier than Harrison has been easy. But this summer, Harrison has decided that sleeping late for him is now 6 AM and he’s up usually before that, so that means I’m having to now get up at 5 AM if I want time by myself–some days that’s easier than others haha. I enjoy drinking my coffee and having my quiet time alone before Harrison is up, which brings me to…
2. Have my quiet time in the morning.
I used to do my quiet time before I went to be each night, but I don’t know why I ever did that because I was always super tired so I didn’t read much or my eyes were tired and I couldn’t read much. Then one day I decided to start doing it as soon as I woke up in the morning and I’ve never looked back. I get up, make my coffee, and grab my Bible to read while I drink coffee.

I also use these highlighters that my mom gifted me at Easter to mark things in my Bible–I love them and will never underline with a pen again!
3. Make my bed.
I make my bed every single morning no matter what. Even if the rest of my house is messy and chaotic, having my bed made feels like something is orderly and clean. My mom required us to make our bed every morning growing up and that has carried over with me to adulthood.
4. Start a load of laundry.
Even during the school year where mornings can tend to be rushed, I like to get a load of laundry started in the washer so I can feel like I’m ahead on chores for the day.
5. Open up the blinds.
This only applies if I’m home during the day, but I like to open the blinds to let the sunshine in so the house can feel bright and airy. Even if it’s rainy out, I’ll still open the blinds and turn on all the lamps. If it’s a school day, I don’t open the blinds until I get home from school–and that is literally the first thing I do when I walk in the door!
What about you?
What are some things you do in the morning to make sure your day starts off well?